HomeStrategyPoliticsNearly Two-Thirds of Americans Now View Media “The Enemy of the People”...

Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Now View Media “The Enemy of the People” – Poll

Almost two-thirds of Americans believe the media is now “truly the enemy of the people,” according to a new Rasmussen poll.

A total of 59 percent of likely voters either strongly or somewhat agree with the statement that the media is the enemy of the people, the survey found.

Unsurprisingly, the belief is more prominent among Republicans at 77 percent.

However, only a slim majority of Democrats disagree.

The poll further noted that among Democrats, there had been an 11-point drop in trust in the media, a signal that the tide may be turning.

But overall, a majority of 52 percent of Americans say they don’t trust political news being pumped out by the controlled establishment media.

Meanwhile, 52 percent believe the media is biased towards Democrats, the survey found.

Last October, two major polls revealed that most Americans said the media is a threat to freedom.

As The Daily Fetched reported:

Just 34% trust the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” a Gallup poll reveals.

The figure was just 2 points higher than an all-time low in 2016.

Meanwhile, the survey found that a measly 7% of Americans have “a great deal” of trust and confidence in the media.

Gallup wrote at the time, “Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined.”

WATCH: Obama Pines for the Old Days When Most People Believed the Media Narrative

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