The following is from Gallup News.
U.S. public opinion on four key aspects of global warming has changed little in the past year, maintaining the recent stability in these views.
When asked when the effects of global warming will begin to happen, six in 10 adults, in line with the rate each year since 2016, say they have already begun.
A similar percentage of Americans (62%) believe that increases in Earth’s temperature over the past century are due more to pollution from human activities than to natural changes in the environment.
Also consistent with recent years, just under half of Americans (46%) think global warming will pose a serious threat to their way of life in their own lifetime.
Meanwhile, the 39% who say they worry a great deal about global warming is down slightly, but not significantly, from 43% last year.

Aside from the 60% of Americans who think the effects of global warming have already begun, 3% think they will begin in a few years and 8% within their lifetime.
Another 17% say they will not happen in their lifetime but in the future, while just 12% say they will never happen.
Altogether, 61% worry a great deal or fair amount about global warming, while 18% worry only a little and 21% say not at all.
Read complete survey results here.

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