Woman Leadership Needed in Today’s War against Coronavirus and the Media Hysteria.
How the American Women Codebreakers of WWII Helped Win the War … Womans Leaders Needed for Todays War against Coronavirus and the Media Hysteria.
Most Americans 80% Believe they will not be effected, will not get sick from this flu-virus from China
This Bio-Flu Attack-Accident is out to destroy America from within using Media Hysteria and Political Propaganda to destroy America and its economy and Families.

We need today’s strong willed and highly motivated to preserve their families and the State if the Union
To keep America from collapsing
Only you today’s American Woman who will stand for God and County can get America back on its feet again. We need you to step forward and take the Lead and guide America through this Tragic Storm …. God Help the USA
A new book documents the triumphs and challenges of more than 10,000 women who worked behind the scenes of wartime intelligence