HomeStrategyPoliticsWATCH: Biden's trans diversity hire Rachel Levine tells doctors to 'advocate for...

WATCH: Biden’s trans diversity hire Rachel Levine tells doctors to ‘advocate for tech companies’ to censor LGBTQ ‘misinformation’ | The Post Millennial

Biden’s trans diversity hire Dr. Rachel Levine, a biological male who transitioned to present as a woman after a lifetime raising a family a fathering children with a wife, advocated for healthcare professionals to stop “health misinformation” that prioritizes biological sex and reality over the feelings of trans folx.

Levine, who has been touted as “the first female and first openly transgender four-star officer” with the US Public Health Service, and it was in that capacity that Levine gave a talk to the Federation of State Medical Boards in New Orleans earlier this year. 

“So health professionals have a critical role to play,” Levine said. “We must continue and to expand their work to address health misinformation directly with their patients. Now, this includes but it goes beyond COVID-19,” Levine said, before launching into Levine’s favorite topic, trans identity.

The Biden administration was recently found to have pressured tech companies to censor and suppress factual, scientific information about Covid that went against the narrative spun by their CDC experts. This included suppressing information about vaccine efficacy, and concerns that not everyone needed to get the mRNA vaccine.

“So I’d like to talk briefly about another area of substantial misinformation that is directly impacting health equity in our nation, and as the health equity of sexual and gender minorities. There is substantial misinformation about gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals,” Levine told the doctors via a virtual portal. 

“We are in this nation facing an onslaught of anti LGBTQI+ plus actions at the state levels across the United States, and they are dangerous to the public health. The positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute,” Levine stated. 

That is not true. There are an increasing number of reports from people who have gone through trans treatment only to find that not only was it not beneficial, but that they are permanently damaged by it. Males who have been fully castrated, women who have undergone double mastectomies, and those who have taken cross-sex hormones, have spoken out about the harms caused by this so-called treatment. 

Treatment with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones leads to sterility, stunted growth, permanent body changes, and other complications such as uterine or vaginal atrophy. A father in New York state is fighting the medical establishment to save his daughter from puberty blockers and becoming a lifetime medical patient.  For Levine, however, those reports are irrelevant.

“So we all need to work together to get our voices out in the front line,” Levine went on. “We need to get our voices in the public eye. And we know how effective our medical community can be talking to communities, whether it’s at town halls, schools, or conversations with others, and we need to use our clinicians’ voice to collectively advocate for tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environment,” Levine said.

Boston Children’s Hospital has stated that trans identity among children can be a phase but has advocated for surgical transition anyway. When reporters raise concerns about the procedures being performed on children and teens at this and other children’s hospitals, they are said to be “attacking” the hospital, simply for stating facts.

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