HomeUncategorizedREAD: Trump lawyer “cancelled” from her law firm

READ: Trump lawyer “cancelled” from her law firm

Attorney Cleta Mitchell

Top attorney Cleta Mitchell has announced she is leaving her law firm job, Foley & Lardner.

Mitchell, who represents President Trump in his election integrity challenges, was recently overheard in a confidential call leaked to the press. In that call, President Trump and his team were discussing the possibility of a settlement of the lawsuit they’ve filed against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The lawsuit claims Georgia had numerous irregularities and/or fraud in the 2020 presidential race amounting to hundreds of thousands of votes; far more than what’s needed to offset the 11,000 Trump was said to lose the state by.

Among the questions raised:

Why was vote counting at a key precinct suspended due to a water main break, when it turns out there wasn’t a water main break and vote counting went forward once observers were dismissed?

Why, after observers were dismissed, were votes pulled out from suitcases under a table and counted?

Were stacks of those ballots were counted numerous times?

Were signature properly verified?

Did anybody investigate reports of 100% of military ballots in one county supposedly going to Joe Biden when military votes typically lean Republican?

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Mitchell says once it became public that she was assisting President Trump in his election integrity challenges, enormous pressure was exerted to punish and “cancel” her.

Mitchell isn’t the first attorney to reportedly suffer retaliation for representing Trump or professionally acting in his interests.

With the ever more brazen attacks on conservatives and, most especially, anyone who supports and wants to help President Trump, I realize that a large national law firm is no longer the right platform for me or my law practice. 

Cleta Mitchell, Esq.

Below is the letter Mitchell sent to clients and friends.

Dear Clients and Friends: 

Given all that has transpired over the last few days, I wanted to share this personal message with you, which comes solely from me and not from my law firm, Foley & Lardner, LLP. 

As you are probably aware, there has been a massive pressure campaign in the last several days mounted by leftist groups via social media and other means against me, my law firm, and clients of the law firm, because of my personal involvement with President Trump, his campaign and the White House, related to the November 3 general election in Georgia. 

After discussions with my firm’s management, I have decided that it is in both of our interests that I leave the Firm.

I have been a partner at Foley for almost 20 years.   It has been a good legal, professional, and personal home for me, my clients and my practice and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be a partner at Foley all these years.  I have come to the conclusion, however, that I do not wish to distract the Firm, my colleagues or our clients with the ongoing campaign of hateful, vile, and offensive attacks that have inundated our Firm and clients, and which I know will persist from these left wing pressure groups.  That is not good for anyone and especially not good for our clients.

I thank the Firm for its support of my political law practice all these years despite ongoing assaults through the years against me, my clients and my work.  With the ever more brazen attacks on conservatives and, most especially, anyone who supports and wants to help President Trump, I realize that a large national law firm is no longer the right platform for me or my law practice. 

Election integrity is something I have been quite passionate about for many, many years. That was and remains my goal in trying to get to the truth about the Georgia election results.  Those who deny the existence of voter and election fraud are not in touch with facts and reality.  I fully intend to redouble my efforts in this arena after I leave the Firm.

For those of you who are my clients, we will talk in the next several days about a transition of your matters.    Those will be confidential discussions between us.

I look forward to having those conversations with you and doing what I can to assist each of you.  Blessings to you and Happy New Year.   Cleta

Cleta Mitchell, Esq.


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