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READ: Robert F. Kennedy, Junior: ‘NYT defamed, then censored me’

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Feb. 9, 2017 in Jackson, TN
Photo: Joshua Coleman

Vaccine safety and children’s advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he is under coordinated attack once again in the news media.

On December 30, the New York Times published an opinion article written by Kennedy’s niece, Dr. Kerry Meltzer. Meltzer accuses Kennedy of spreading “vaccine disinformation.”

Kennedy says that although the opinion contained factual errors and defamatory accusations, the Times refused to publish his rebuttal.

The following is an excerpt of the article written in response by Robert F. Kennedy, Junior.

On Saturday, my niece published an error-filled and defamatory article about me on the Times editorial page. I immediately submitted the thoroughly sourced letter below.

Yesterday, the Times let me know that they would decline to print my reply.

Orwellian censorship and the gaslighting of dissent in service to the interests of Big Pharma has more recently become universal in the liberal print and online news sites once presumed to be the antidote to corporate subversion of democracy.

For more CENSORED topics and people, visit here. Also, watch for “The Censored” segments on “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson.”

In May 2019, three of my other family members similarly defamed me in a long article in Politico. Politico likewise declined to print my thoroughly sourced reply.

Neither of these long critiques by my family members cite a single example of a factual error by me. Their complaint is that I question official pronouncements about vaccine safety.

It’s a bad omen for democracy when citizens can no longer conduct civil, informed debates about critical policies that impact the vitality of our economy, public health, personal freedoms and constitutional rights. Censorship is violence and this systematic muzzling of debate which proponents justify as a measure to curtail dangerous polarization is actually fueling those divisions.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Here is Kennedy’s letter responding to the op-ed by his niece, Dr. Kerry Meltzer:

Without offering any examples of factual errors, my niece, Dr. Kerry Meltzer, accuses me of spreading “vaccine misinformation,” a term currently applied to any statement that departs from official pronouncements, regardless of its truth.

The term’s traditional definition might encompass Kerry’s claim that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is safe because it caused life threatening anaphylaxis in only 11 of 2.1 million recipients (1/200,000). Rate of adverse events, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is 1 in 42 — based on the first week’s distribution of more than 200,000 vaccines, with more than 5,000 reportsof individuals incapacitated to the point that they missed work or had to seek medical attention. This outcome is likely to increase, as clinical trials for both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines suggest that the second shot of the vaccine series leads to far higher injury rates.

Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines use a novel vaccine technology never before used on human subjects. On Sept. 25, I wrote a letter to Dr. Fauci — who Kerry cites as her reliable authority for vaccine safety — warning that the polyethylene glycol (PEG) -coated nanoparticles in the mRNA vaccines were likely to cause anaphylaxis in vulnerable recipients. Dr. Fauci ignored that warning.

FDA now acknowledges that PEG is the probable culprit in the anaphylactic reactions. The COVID pandemic is the third time since Dr. Fauci arrived at National Institutes of Health that the federal government rushed out vaccines for a potential pandemic.

In 1976, 45 million Americans received a vaccine for a disease that didn’t exist, before hundreds of cases of paralyzing Guillain Barre’ syndrome resulted, ending the program.

In 2009, rushed vaccines for swine flu caused seizures in 1/100 Australian children and 1,300 cases of debilitating narcolepsy in European children before the program was discontinued. A month earlier, Dr. Fauci appeared on TV to assure the world that the vaccines were safe.

The mRNA vaccines are experimental drugs with potential for long-term harm. It’s only prudent to demand — as I have — proper testing and to treat the claims of interested government and industry officials with appropriate skepticism.


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