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A witness claimed in front of the state Senate that he hacked into the Georgia runoff election system, establishing two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center.
Tech expert, avid inventor, and patent holder Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the Gold Institute of International Strategy delivered his explosive testimony on Wednesday before the state Senate subcommittee, claiming that one Fulton County voting machine is connected to the Internet.
— JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer (@JovanHPulitzer) December 30, 2020
“At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we now have access to the devices to the poll pad—the system—but we are in. It’s not supposed to have WiFi, and that’s not supposed to be able to happen,” Pulitzer told state legislators at the hearing, noting that his team has documented the alleged incident.
Speaking of the situation, Pulitzer explained that “it’s communicating two ways in real time, meaning it’s receiving data and sending data.” He reiterated that this scenario “should never happen.”
“But that’s going on right there where everybody’s voting,” Pulitzer asserted, “And I just wanted to get it into the record.”
One audience member asked: “Is it a mobile precinct?” Pulitzer said no; it was a “standing building.”
“And it shouldn’t happen in any way, but this is another one in real time in an undisclosed location, because every location is being checked. But we’ve now confirmed 100 percent,” Pulitzer continued.
Then Georgia State Sen. Blake Tillery commented. “We’ve heard that there’s three different types of machines: a scanner, a ballot marking device, and a polling ad. Do you know which one it is communicating?”
“Right now—which we heard in the the past was coming through the thermostat and stuff—this is now a more direct access wave, so this is coming through the polling pad device where they’re checking everything,” Pulitzer answered. “But now, you know, it only takes one device where you daisy chain them together and do it. The most important thing is that it shouldn’t be doing and even shouldn’t be accessible. And it’s there.”
Another questioned: “What effect could somebody with dishonest purposes—what could that person do given this access that’s going on in Fulton County?”
Statistically, Pulitzer suggested, what could be occurring with an operation as described: As that data is being exchanged, somebody can siphon off that data, modify it, and feed the information right back into the system.
In an exclusive interview on Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, Pulitzer further alleged his ability to digitally examine millions of ballots to scientifically prove if ballots are authentic or fake. He said at the time in mid-December that his technology and approach have nothing to do with accessing the actual Dominion or other vendor machines.
Pulitzer first explained that kinetics is “the study of physics that when two forces or two metamaterials come together and bend and apply to each other it leaves a trail.”
“So printing’s on top, very, very fast to dry immediately. And it’s on a piece of paper. What’s paper? Paper is reconstituted wood,” Pulitzer told the host, arguing that technically when these ballots are folded, “everywhere there’s printing on that page.” This effect creates this so-called “kinematic artifact.” Pulitzer questioned: “How can it be a mail-in ballot if it has no signs of ever being mailed?”
Since every mailed ballot is folded and then blown into envelopes, this ends up creating kinematic folds or crease marks on the ballot, Pulitzer went on. These marks can be detected using specialized machines, he urged, since fake ballots that were fed into counting machines are likely to have been pristine and never folded.