HomeStrategyPoliticsCoronavirus live news: US vaccinations to begin 'in 24 hours' after FDA...

Coronavirus live news: US vaccinations to begin ‘in 24 hours’ after FDA approves Pfizer jab | World news

[It is] quite a different situation in the UK, in Canada and now in the United States in terms of what is happening with the pandemic and their need …

But to just stress, this is not full approval that the FDA has given and neither has the UK, neither has Canada. These are emergency authorisations to allow the vaccine to roll out.

Also overnight, and this is part of the reason why the FDA is confident to give that authorisation, in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the premier medical journals in the world, Pfizer has reported on their phase three trial results, their interim results, and it is very encouraging. We have heard some of the headlines before, but there is now more detail and it is peer-reviewed scientific literature, and that is how to move forward, with scientific expertise. Ninety-five per cent effective, effective in old and young people, effective in healthy and people with chronic disease and a very good safety profile.

These are interim results and we will get more detail and much more detail will come to the Therapeutic Goods Administration to allow them to make their own independent assessment of these matters and give us regulatory approval and confidence that we absolutely need for any new vaccine, that it is safe and effective.

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