HomeUncategorizedOne of the last places in America to get its first case...

One of the last places in America to get its first case of coronavirus (PODCAST)


How did this scribbler know
we were being HOAXED back
in May ? :

At seeing graphs displaying
ONLY O-N-E climbing line of
communicable disease ? :


So, for months, I’ve been asking this FACTUALIST-type question,
whenever news reports displayed a single “evidentiary” graph-line :

“Where is the graph-line showing the normal year-to-year flu-bug
line ?”

Well, it’s hidden!—because the HOAX is well-exposed by the normal
year-to-year flu-bug LINE being juxtaposed on any Covid-19 graph !

And how about the normal year-to-year graph-line showing common
head- or chest-colds ? How many were warned to get hospital treat-,
ment, then KILLED on a mis-used ventilator (( before the Covid-19 HOAX,
hospitals were the 3rd leading cause of deaths!—BY botched doc-
toring and nursing, due mostly to Third-World, MONEY-SAVING HIRES
filling hospital staff across America )) ?

And where is the video of that white whistleblower nurse, trying
to hold back tears while describing her NYC peers practicing
botched healthcare to Covid-19 patients—and KILLING them! ;
and being warned by her ADMIN-people “not to make waves“ ?

There are several other logical FACTS indicating a POORLY
hatched HOAX by this Shadow Cabal—maybe put in a future post.


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Media NYC Local Family and National - World News


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