HomeStrategyPoliticsCoronavirus Australia live update: Victoria records 42 new Covid cases and no...

Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria records 42 new Covid cases and no deaths – latest news | Australia news

In Australia, you cannot talk about electricity generation and ignore coal.

For decades, coal-fired generation has been a source of competitive strength for our economy – reliable, low-cost energy. This is still true.

Analysis by the Energy Market Operator shows coal generation is still expected to comprise almost a quarter of the National Electricity Market in 2040. Coal will continue to play an important part of our economy for decades to come.

With new carbon capture and storage continuing to improve, it will also have an even longer life – not just here in Australia, but in our export markets as well.

And right here, and in regions like right here, that means jobs.

Now, my government understands this. The fact that we understand it is important.

So many of the livelihoods of this region, and so many other regions like it, depend on that.

And not everyone shares this view. Not everyone shares our view on this.

My government also understands that our energy market is evolving at pace – driven by changes in technology, economics and consumer preferences.

Consumers are having a big say about where they want their energy to come from. Our technology roadmap is there to chart a path well beyond these immediate days.

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