Ghislaine Maxwell has been under constant surveillance by prison psychologists who are evaluating her for hours on end without her consent, her attorney claimed in a letter filed in her criminal case.
Maxwell is asking the judge in her case to order that her lockup conditions at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn be modified so she can review volumes of discovery material before her trial.

Maxwell denies all of the charges against her. If convicted, she faces up to 35 years in jail.
Her team has argued that she’s been held under “uniquely onerous conditions,” which would have forced her to choose between showering and reviewing the material.
She’s also under constant surveillance at the jail because of Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide while in a Lower Manhattan jail cell last year, according to her lawyers.
“Ms. Maxwell continues to be surveilled 24 hours a day by security cameras and is under constant observation by multiple prison guards,” her attorney Christian Everdell wrote in a letter Monday night.
“The defense recently learned that some of these prison guards were, in fact, BOP psychologists who were observing Ms. Maxwell and evaluating her for hours each day without her knowledge,” he added. “We are aware of no other pretrial detainee receiving such treatment.”
Maxwell is awaiting trial on charges she procured girls for Epstein to abuse and then lied about it under oath. She’s pleaded not guilty.
She was ordered held without bail last month and is being held in the MDC pending her trial.
This article first appeared in the New York Post.