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Coronavirus live news: WHO says Covid-19 is ‘easily the most severe’ crisis it has faced | World news

Almost a quarter of the population of Sudan are going hungry as conflict, rising food prices and the coronavirus take their toll.

UN agencies working in the country warned of severe consequences. “If no measures are taken, people may slide into chronic food insecurity and poverty – and perpetual high vulnerability to future hazards,” said Woo Jung Kim, communications officer at the World Food Programme in Sudan.

“Currently, there is widespread food insecurity due to conflict, and economic decline and inflation [are] driving down the purchasing power of the population.”

The UN has also warned that it is unable to reach some of the most vulnerable because of Covid-19 restrictions and instability. A source at the UN, who preferred to remain anonymous, said staff are finding it difficult to get visas or permission from the government to travel inside the country.

According to the World Health Organization, as of 27 July, Sudan had recorded 11,424 cases and 720 deaths from Covid-19.

As the coronavirus crisis takes its toll on the UK labour market, the hunt for jobs has intensified. Last week, a Manchester restaurant said it had received nearly 1,000 applications for a receptionist post within 24 hours, reflecting the pressure that the jobs market is under. Paid employment in Britain has fallen almost 650,000 employees since March, which has left some businesses inundated with applications:

Covid-19 outbreak in Xinjiang prompts fears of spread inside China’s camps

Rising numbers of Covid-19 cases in the Xinjiang region has sparked fears the outbreak could reach the secretive internment camps where China is believed to have detained more than a million Muslim minority people.

On Monday, Chinese health authorities reported 68 new cases of Covid-19, including 57 in the far western region of Xinjiang, bringing the area’s reported total to 235. After a reported five-month streak of no infections in Xinjiang, the outbreak that began almost two weeks ago has appeared to take hold in the capital city of Urumqi, and spread to Kashgar about 300km away.

The region is home to China’s program of mass incarceration of Uighur and other Turkic Muslims, which has drawn international condemnation and accusations that the detention, abuse, surveillance and restrictions on religious and cultural beliefs amount to cultural genocide. The accusations are strenuously denied by Beijing despite growing evidence and international pressure. It claims its policies are to counter terrorism, but the camps are kept secret from the public and international inspectors:

Agencies fear hidden cholera deaths in Yemen as Covid-19 overwhelms clinics

Aid agencies are warning that thousands of people in Yemen could be dying undetected from cholera as people are too frightened to seek treatment in health facilities overwhelmed by coronavirus.

Coronavirus cases in the war-torn country are due to peak in the coming weeks, but Oxfam has warned that health centres are seeing an unexpected drop in cholera cases, ahead of August’s rains when cholera will also increase.

Already experiencing what has been described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with approximately 80% of the population requiring urgent assistance, Yemen is also facing a worsening food crisis.

The country also suffered the worst cholera outbreak in modern times, with 110,000 cases between January and April this year.

A 50% drop in people seeking treatment for cholera in the past three months has led to concern that tens of thousands of people are avoiding health centres for fear of contracting Covid-19:

Global report: Covid-19 still accelerating, warns WHO, as restrictions return in Europe

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