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Coronavirus live updates: Black Lives Matter protests across Australia as China warns of Covid-linked ‘racial violence’ overseas | World news


Sydney protest given green light


Police have escorted a counter-protester from the steps of Sydney Town Hall.

Elias Visontay

A potentially ugly situation appears to have passed smoothly. A man with a sign reading “all lives matter, black and white” was booed and jostled from the steps of Town Hall, and ultimately escorted by police, which the crowd cheered @GuardianAus

June 6, 2020

Police have a large presence around the Town Hall area, but are not asking people to leave or fining anyone.

There appear to be at least 2,000 people here now. And it’s important to note, the protest isn’t meant to begin for another half an hour.

The light rail line across George Street has also now been shut.

Organisers are frantically running around asking people to distance, which is now more feasible as the light rail track space has opened for protesters.

Protesters on the steps are chanting “whose lives matter?” To a response from the crowd “black lives matter”.

Protesters are also shouting “I can’t breath”, a reference to the words of US man George Floyd when he was being retained by a Minneapolis policeman, and died after he put his knee into Floyd’s neck for about 8 minutes.



Raul Bassi, the organiser of Sydney’s protest who was told by the NSW supreme court yesterday the rally should not go ahead, is pacing around the Town Hall area telling people to keep to groups of 10 and observe distancing.

“They need to be in groups of 10 only, it’s very important today,” Bassi told the Guardian.

Elias Visontay

Raul Bassi, protest organiser (red shirt, left), warning people to distance and be in groups of 10

June 6, 2020

Bassi is explaining the legal issues with the protest.

Volunteers are also handing out masks and sanitising hands.

Elias Visontay

Volunteers handing out masks and sanitising hands

June 6, 2020

Protesters are already chanting “no justice no peace”.


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