HomeUK's Boris Johnson issues new guidelines on beating coronavirus, reopening country

UK’s Boris Johnson issues new guidelines on beating coronavirus, reopening country

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United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson thanked his constituents for helping bring down the number of infections from the novel coronavirus during a televised speech on Sunday, but warned that the country needs to continue to “stay alert” as it begins to open up.

Johnson, who spoke in a pretaped message, announced slight modifications to the UK’s stay-at-home measures that included permitting some workers to go back to their jobs and allowing more people to spend time getting outdoor exercise. Retail stores, schools and resturants, however, will still be closed, while travelers arriving in the UK will be quaratined once flights resume.

“It would be madness to throw away that achievement by allowing a second spike,” Johnson said of the progress the UK has made in its battle against COVID-19. “We must stay alert.”

He added: “We have been through the intial peak, but it is coming down the mountain that is often more dangerous.”

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