The following is from Gallup News.
- 55% say their community activities are important, up from 32% in 2002
- Hobbies, money and work are also valued by more today
- Importance of family, health and friends hasn’t changed, while religion is down
More Americans today than two decades ago rate their community activities, hobbies or recreational activities, and money as “extremely” or “very important” to them.
The importance of one’s work to employed adults has also increased over this period.
At the same time, religion has become less important to people, while there has been no meaningful change in how much they value their family, friends and health.

The latest Gallup survey, conducted June 1-22, finds more than nine in 10 Americans saying their family (96%) and health (92%) are extremely or very important to them.
About eight in 10 greatly value their money (79%) and friends (78%), while a similar proportion of adults who are employed full- or part-time say the same of their work.
Smaller majorities of national adults rate their hobbies and recreational activities (61%), religion (58%) and community activities (55%) as highly important.
The rank order of these life aspects is similar when limited to the “extremely important” rating for each, with scores as high as 54% for family and as low as 17% for hobbies and recreation.
The only notable difference is religion ranks above hobbies and recreation on the basis of the extremely important rating.

Value of Community Activities and Work Rises Most Among Middle-Aged Adults
The importance of community activities to people has increased more among middle-aged adults than those older or younger.
In other words, middle-aged adults today value community activities more than middle-aged adults did two decades ago.
Meanwhile, the importance of this aspect of people’s lives has grown equally among men, women and across all political party groups. (Continued…)
Read full article here.

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