HomeUncategorizedVaccine-related scientific studies and resources

Vaccine-related scientific studies and resources

Children’s Health Defense, a group founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. draws attention to child safety issues including vaccine dangers. The group has a valuable database providing access to scientific article that might be hard to find on a managed Google search.

According to the group, its “Science Library” database “contains hundreds of peer-reviewed, published articles on environmental contaminants that are implicated in the rise of the childhood epidemics we are currently experiencing in the U.S. and other industrialized nations. Concerned citizens owe it to themselves and family members to be as educated as possible when it comes to these toxicants, many of which are contained in vaccines. Even very low-level exposures can induce symptoms identical to those of many devastating psychological, neurological and behavior conditions in children and adults injuring the sensory, immune, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems, kidneys and other organs, and interfering with critical cellular pathways. And, it’s not just toxins driving the epidemics. According to the latest research, the body’s own reaction to a vaccine, i.e. immune activation, is enough to trigger conditions like autism and auto-immunity. Scientists from around the world are sounding alarms and voicing grave concerns about the poor health impact of vaccines and the need for vaccine safety and regulatory oversight.”

Children’s Health Defense also links to a “collection of 89 peer-reviewed published articles containing mounting evidence linking exposure to mercury, at critical moments in development, to autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. These include cellular, animal and human studies. Also CHD’s collection including the abstracts for over 240 studies showing the harmful effects of mercury, from both thimerosal and environmental sources, on brain cells, immune cells and other body systems. These include cellular, animal and human studies.”

All of the information and links can be found at the link below.


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