HomeStrategyPoliticsJoe Biden Is Unfit to Be President

Joe Biden Is Unfit to Be President

Joe Biden sat down with MSNBC on Thursday to discuss some of the country’s issues including the Supreme Court’s most recent ruling striking down affirmative action in college admissions, Wagner group’s military revolt in Russia and his re-election campaign

The most popular clip in the 20-minute-long interview didn’t involve Biden commenting on the court’s monumental decision or inflation or Ukraine.

The most widely distributed clip was a ten-second snippet of the 46th president awkwardly getting up out of his chair after the interview, shaking host Nicolle Wallace’s hand, and walking off set before the show cut to commercial. 

Wallace didn’t miss a beat saying, “Don’t go anywhere, it’s a very exciting day around here. We’ll have reaction and analysis to everything we just heard” as Biden crossed behind her to exit the stage. 

Photos and videos of the strange moment went viral almost immediately. According to Newsweek, the video was viewed over 2 million times on Twitter in a matter of hours. 

A tweet from former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker captured many people’s sentiment perfectly: “The Biden presidency in one clip.” 

Joe Biden: The Age Issue

Not to beat a dead horse, but everyone on both sides of the aisle recognizes Biden’s age and cognitive decline as a massive problem. 

It’s redundant to point out his many falters, falls, and missteps.

Biden’s interview, filled with half sentences, incongruent thoughts, and long-winded, senseless responses, demonstrated just how feeble the president is. 

It seems cruel to put forth a man in his state for one of the most demanding and stressful jobs in the world, his decline on display for all to witness. 

Someone – particularly someone who truly cares for the elder statesman, like his wife – needs to throw the flag. But they won’t. They can’t. Democrats have no one else to use as a puppet. 

Avoiding the Real Issues

With a prime opportunity to bring up some of the most urgent issues facing Americans, Wallace fed nothing but lobs to Biden. She brought up no contentious issues nor did she challenge Biden in the least. 

Nothing on the investigation into his involvement in his son’s business dealings in Ukraine. 

No inquiry into the details of his “Bidenomics” plan that claims it will grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, as opposed to the top down. Not a smidge of pushback considering two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how he’s handled the economy and just over three-quarters feel the economy is in poor shape.

The Most Embarrassing Moments

Perhaps no moment was more humiliating than when Biden accredited the famous words of the Declaration of Independence to the United States Constitution.

“The Constitution says ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created equal, endowed by their Creator.’” 

Ummmm, excuse me? 

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse than when Biden referred to the war in Ukraine as the “war in Iraq” not once, but twice in one week, it most certainly does. 

Even CNN’s Kaitlin Collins doesn’t seem convinced Biden is up to the task, despite Pete Buttigieg’s assertions to the contrary. 

“I wish you could be in a room with him, the way I often am, seeing how he is simultaneously focused, on a big-picture vision, and very focused on details.” 

The Transportation Secretary’s retort makes as much sense as Biden without a teleprompter.

No matter how much his Democratic cronies run cover for him, Biden is unfit to serve. Period. End of story. Any claims to the contrary are gaslighting. 

In the interview, Biden claimed the conservative-led court is “not normal.” While liberals may not like the conservative majority secured by Donald Trump’s presidency it is, by all reasonable standards, normal. 

What’s not normal are the policies coming out of the White House in the past three years. An 80-year-old president, who is clearly not competent enough to restore one of the world’s superpowers back to a path of economic and moral strength, is beyond not normal – it is patently absurd.

Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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