Parents don’t leave their rights at the door of the schoolhouse.
That’s according to an overwhelming majority of California voters, most of whom also support laws requiring schools to notify parents if a student expresses gender confusion.
That’s according to a survey by Rasmussen Reports and Real Impact.
The survey finds that 82% of California likely voters disagree with the statement, “A person loses their parental rights when a child enters public school,” including 69% who “strongly disagreed.”
Only 12% say they believe parental rights are lost when children enter public school.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of California voters say they would support a local law that requires parents to be notified of any major change in a child’s physical, mental, or emotional health or academic performance, including 66% who say they would “strongly support” such a law.
Only 12% say they would oppose a law requiring parental notification.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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