HomeStrategyPoliticsThe Hunter investigation needs a special counsel

The Hunter investigation needs a special counsel

Suspicion of a cover-up is justified following news that the entire IRS team investigating presidential son Hunter Biden may have been removed from the case at the Justice Department’s behest.

Five years after federal authorities began investigating the younger Biden’s business dealings, no charge has been filed despite what seems to be copious evidence of wrongdoing. At least two whistleblowers say they have evidence of a cover-up. Combine that with the intelligence community’s partisan actions to spike the story of Hunter Biden’s embarrassing laptop contents, and it is time for a special counsel.


To review, last October, news outlets reported that federal agents believed they had enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and with making false statements about a gun purchase. His laptop contents also make clear that he hooked up with high-priced international prostitutes, which raises trafficking concerns. And congressional investigators have shown conclusively that at least seven Biden family members were paid by dubious foreign sources, usually funneled through one or more of some 20 intermediary “shell” corporations.

Those are just some highlights, or perhaps lowlights.

Combine this with the established fact that 1) the FBI and Justice Department became grotesquely politicized on behalf of the Democratic Party with their concocted collusion fable about former President Donald Trump, 2) they harassed peaceful pro-life activists while ignoring real crimes committed by pro-abortion forces, 3) they consider concerned parents and traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists, and 4) they break laws and their own rules with stunning frequency. It’s not a pretty picture.

Then come whistleblowers. One reportedly alleged that Joe Biden, when vice president, traded policy preferences for Romanian cash. Another showed that a top FBI agent improperly shut down a key line of inquiry into Hunter Biden. Another said Attorney General Merrick Garland, already under fire from Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) for giving misleading testimony on another front, swore falsely to Congress about the Hunter Biden investigation.

It is this last whistleblower, an IRS agent, whose lawyer now said he is being retaliated against because of his offer to share evidence with Congress. His letter to leading members of Congress said he can produce “examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel explicitly promised Congress that nobody would suffer retaliation for acting as a whistleblower, but this week, the same whistleblower told a stunned Congress that his entire team has been pulled from the Hunter Biden case. Lawyers for the whistleblower wrote Congress that “this move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry.”

The letter said the astonishingly unusual dismissal of the whole team was spurred by a Justice Department request.

On May 18, three other FBI whistleblowers told a House subcommittee that the FBI retaliated against them, too, when they tried to speak out against agency abuses, this time unrelated to the Bidens.


This isn’t just smoke. It’s a raging fire. When so many federal agents say federal law enforcement and intelligence are politicized and abusive, with so many examples to back up their claims, it’s impossible to deny plausibly that a thoroughly corrupt federal culture is now in place.

If an entire team long investigating the president’s son has suddenly, without explanation, been pulled off the case, the Justice Department and IRS owe the public a serious explanation.

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