The following is a news opinion and analysis
You cannot make this up:
+The government’s computer intrusions into my computers is forensically confirmed and undeniable, with forensic proof that the government is the source.
+But since DOJ won’t hold their own accountable or prosecute them, my only recourse is to seek justice through a civil lawsuit.
+Forensic proof isn’t enough to get the case to a jury. The courts require me to somehow play detective and, in advance, identify the names of the government agents and contractors responsible for the intrusions, and supply the proof of their direct involvement– but without the power to access the evidence.
+That’s because the law gives Dept. of Justice (the guilty party in this case) the authority to grant or deny our to access to the crucial documents and government witnesses that are needed to produce specific names and evidence required by the court. We literally have to ask DOJ’s permission to interview the guilty DOJ agents or those with information, and access the evidence.
+So we ask, but, naturally, DOJ stalls, ultimately likely denies permission for us to get the documents and interviews, then will ask court to dismiss case for lack of evidence and the court will say “ok.”
+This is akin to a prosecutor having to get permission from a murderer to obtain the evidence against him and to interview witnesses. The murderer would just say no.
+Obviously, the law giving the guilty party authority over access to the evidence against it should be changed.
+However, Congress won’t change the law because there is no powerful interest that is lobbying, paying members, or writing the bill to do so– and that’s pretty much the main way laws gets changed or considered today.
+At the same time, CBS improperly withheld computer evidence in my case. They stalled and delayed while our deadlines ticked on.
Read more about Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI here.
+We finally got that issue before a judge, who ordered CBS to turn over the computer evidence– but with little to no time left for us to get it forensically examined before court-imposed deadlines. And, even then, CBS stalled.
+In the end, there is no legal recourse for people like me, Carter Page and Gen. Michael Flynn who are wronged by bad actors in govt. They have impunity.
+This is why these issues are important not to just those of us impacted today, but to everyone who could be victimized in ways you can’t imagine until it happens to you.
We haven’t quite reached the end of our rope. Our case continues. But Americans should be aware and let others know how broken our justice system it. This is a good example.
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