The following is an excerpt from Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles.
As part of the Biden administration’s push for governmentwide racial equity, a new research center dedicated to supporting and investigating the needs of low-income Hispanics will be launched with a $1.5 million grant from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The goal is to develop promising approaches to promote social and economic well-being among poor Hispanics and to assess current government policies and practices that contribute to disparities in access to public services, a recently published grant announcement states.
The new center will bring together a diverse, interdisciplinary team of academic, organizational and community-based partners, according to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the HHS division doling out the money.
Under Biden’s monstrous Covid-19 stimulus measure ACF received $47.5 billion in supplemental funding to help children and families impacted by the pandemic, which the agency asserts exacerbated historic racial injustices.
Another HHS offshoot called Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) already supports a National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families to better serve low-income Hispanics that receive taxpayer-funded benefits from ACF.
That government conglomerate investigates the needs of poor Hispanics and focuses on poverty reduction and economic self-sufficiency, fatherhood, family structure, and family dynamics as well as early care and education.
With all this valuable information already available at a government agency, American taxpayers may wonder why the administration is spending $1.5 million to launch a similar center that conducts the same type of research.
Only government bureaucrats can provide the answer, but it appears that the new center will focus on identifying policies that contribute to disparities in access to services and the reduction of those disparities.
One thing seems certain, the investment is part of the president’s broad effort to advance racial equity and support for underserved populations through taxpayer-funded programs, a governmentwide initiative he launched on his first day in office.
Read full article here.

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