HomeUncategorized(UPDATE) Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions

(UPDATE) Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions

Sharyl Attkisson prevailed in a hearing on some procedural disputes Monday in the Southern District of New York. In the lawsuit, Attkisson is suing government agents over their illegal intrusion of her computers while she worked as a CBS News investigative correspondent.

As a result of the hearing, CBS must produce the intruded-upon computer hard drive that the company has been withholding from Attkisson and her legal team, by April 27.

Additionally, CBS must make a good faith review and identify any and all communications between CBS and the government and/or Congress that took place discussing Attkisson and the computer intrusions, by May 5.

It was recently revealed in depositions that the independent forensic firm hired by CBS notified the US government about what the analysts saw as crimes committed involving Attkisson’s computers and the uninvited intrusions.

According to the forensic experts, the FBI sent a representative to the forensic firm hired by CBS to retrieve information about the intrusions and crimes, but then never followed up with the company.

Neither the cyber forensics company nor CBS nor the FBI informed Attkisson of any of these actions at the time.

Much later, was later learned that the FBI opened a case into Attkisson’s computer intrusions but never told her, interviewed her, or offered any assistance. In fact, the FBI falsely denied having any information or documents related to the case, until Attkisson sued the FBI for violating the Freedom of Information Act and received limited materials.

Attkisson responded to today’s hearing by saying that “small victories in an uphill battle are appreciated.”

Attkisson has received a clerk’s default judgement against one former federal agent who admitting being involved in the government spy operation against her and many others.

She is also currently suing an ex-Secret Service agent who has served time in prison for unrelated government corruption.

The Dept. of Justice has refused to investigate and hold accountable the guilty parties, instead spending taxpayer money to fight the lawsuit on multiple procedural and technical grounds.

Attkisson’s lawsuit is being supported by Fourth Amendment and whistleblower advocates on the political left and right. No journalism or press groups have ever expressed any interest or support in her case.

Read more below, including legal background; documents; and corrections of misinformation put out by the pharmaceutical/left-wing propaganda group Media Matters and its proxies, and misreported by their partners in the press.

Attkisson v. DOJ & FBI

Fight improper government surveillance. Support Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI over the government computer intrusions of Attkisson’s work while she was a CBS News investigative correspondent. Visit the Attkisson Fourth Amendment Litigation Fund. Click here.

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