Tasmania has effectively shut its borders to non-residents by introducing a two-week quarantine period for anyone arriving in the state, with an exception for those providing goods and essential services during the coronavirus pandemic.
The premier, Peter Gutwein, announced the extraordinary response on Thursday morning as he declared a state of emergency in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. From 12.01am Saturday, all non-essential travellers arriving in the island state would be required to self-isolate for 14 days, with penalties for those who did not comply of up to six months in jail or a fine of up to $16,800.
All arrivals including Tasmanian residents would be screened and, if deemed a non-essential visitor, would be told to quarantine themselves. Tasmania Police and Biosecurity Tasmania would ensure compliance and help people access support where needed.
Gutwein said it meant the island state would have the “toughest border measures in the country” and the measures would last “for as long as needed”.
He said the penalties were severe, but a proportionate and necessary measure to “flatten the curve”, or slow the spread of the virus. Tasmania had 10 confirmed cases at the time of writing.
“We know that for some it will create disruption, but our aim is to ensure that we protect the health, wellbeing and safety of Tasmanians,” Gutwein said. “We would ask people to work with us as we implement these measures and as they are managed over coming weeks.”
The Tasmanian quarantine period will not apply to those deemed essential travellers, including health care and emergency workers, defence personnel, air and ship crew, required specialists and those delivering freight. And it will not apply to residents of Tasmanian islands in Bass Strait. People can travel to the Tasmanian mainland from King and Flinders islands without going into quarantine, but anyone visiting those islands from the rest of Australia will be expected to self-isolate.
Similar steps to those introduced in Tasmania have been mooted, but not introduced, in Western Australia and Northern Territory.
In Western Australia, doctors in the Combined Medical Leads Advisory Group, including representatives from the state’s biggest hospitals, called for personal interstate travel to be restricted to slow the spread of the virus. Responding on Wednesday, the premier, Mark McGowan, urged people not to travel interstate unless essential, but warned shutting the border could have a catastrophic economic impact.
In the Northern Territory’s chief minister, Michael Gunner, said he would do “whatever it takes”, but that there was “significant complexity” in how a border shutdown could be managed. “Our focus right now is protection of our remote communities,” he said.
The Tasmanian decision was immediately supported by the state’s Labor opposition and the Tasmanian Greens.
Shane Broad
(@Shane_Broad)Thank you for acting Premier. A 14 day quarantine will save lives #politas.
Gutwein said the announcement would not affect freight in and out of the state. TT-Line, which runs the Spirit of Tasmania ferry service between Melbourne and Devonport, would have capacity to carry extra freight if needed. People requiring interstate medical treatment would be able to use the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service.
He said the decision would provide greater certainty and make the state safer. “There is nothing more important than Tasmanians’ safety, and while the economic impact will be significant, we have a chance now to slow the spread of Covid-19 in our state,” he said.
He said the state’s police commissioner, Darren Hine, would take on the role of state controller following the state of emergency declaration, and would work with health authorities to coordinate the response to the pandemic.
Shortly after the announcement, the Australian Antarctic Division in Hobart confirmed two major international meetings that were expected to bring more than a thousand scientists and experts to the city in July and August had been cancelled.
The closure of two of the state’s biggest tourist attractions, David Walsh’s Museum of Old and New Art and Hobart’s Salamanca market, were announced earlier this week.
Luke Martin, chief executive of Tasmania’s tourism industry council, told local ABC radio the tourism and hospitality businesses were in a dire and worsening situation, and urged operators to explore what government support was available.
Gutwein’s announcement follows Tasmania on Monday introducing an arrivals card to keep track of visitors. Callers to local ABC radio suggested the card had been haphazardly enforced, with only some people arriving by plane signing up.