HomeTechEntertainmentJoan Hunter prays to remove past traumas over your life including molestation...

Joan Hunter prays to remove past traumas over your life including molestation and abortion.

But true to supernatural prayer that you have learned, you told me that literally all of these bad things that most humans would, when things are going bad, when you’re a little depressed over something you would think about this and you’d play the blame game, and you had pretty good cause to that. You have that block. Explain that.


I understand what you’re saying with blocked. But it’s technically not blocked. It’s gone.


That’s better.


Yes, it’s a whole lot better, because they’ll teach you how to block it and not remember it, whereas I want it gone. And freedom beyond comprehension is what I’m talking about.

I have experienced freedom beyond comprehension in every area of my life.

And the problem with people that are depressed and live in that depression, they relive and relive, and relive their betrayal, their trauma, their different situations, their molestation, the rape, the abortion, and reliving laying on the table, reliving all this again, night after night.

People that have posttraumatic stress disorder, they relive the situations in the war. They relive this horrific, traumatic experience again and again, and it’s basically as real as it was the first time.


Tell me about this cellular memory. I mean, this is fascinating from a scientific viewpoint.


And you can actually, it’s medical. When you hear about things medically, what do they do, which they really can’t where cellular memory is concerned. But what it is, is you learn how to pray against it or get people free of that. Because people have, like this one lady, she was hit right here, and so there was a lot of pain here when she was a child. And so when she got healed, prayed for the pain to go, the spirit of trauma to go and cellular memory of the experience, which also triggered the memory of the actual event also. And so by cursing the cellular memory in the arm, she was free of the pain, but she was free of the memory also.


Hello. Sid Roth here with Joan Hunter. Joan, let’s start with some basics. What is trauma?


Trauma can be a variety of things. For example, somebody moving, oh this is great. Somebody else moving, traumatic. Obviously a car accident because it’s not fun. It’s verytraumatic. A divorce, a death of a family member and any kind of different situations. A trauma itself is, what I call it, is an emotional earthquake, an emotional earthquake that comes in, shakes up our emotions, shakes up our chemicals in our body.


So what is the toll of trauma?


The toll of trauma can be anything from migraines to death, to all the way to suicide.

And it can play havoc in our bodies, and it can play havoc in our emotions. It can cause, once again the chemicals to be out of balance. That’s why people with bi-polar, schizophrenia have to be medicated to get their chemicals back in perfect balance.

And so it’s much easier to pray and command it to go under perfect balance than the medicines and so forth. Then you keep your personality and you’re lively, and you’re happy all the time instead of the manic situations.

Healing Explosion Workshop on Saturday March 18th 10:00 am – 3 pm I will be sharing a segment on Prayer and Healing to remove trauma, cellular memory, pain and how to restore your immune system. I will be sharing Holy Spirit teaching method I learned from Joan Hunter Ministry.
Healing Young Adults, Students suffering from depression, anxiety, suicide and fear.Emotional and physical healing is yours today.
Join us at Healing Water Church, Register available online or at the door.
37 College Rd Selden, NY 11784
I am posting a daily reading journey with Jesus.
My new series “Write a Love Letter to God” starts today January 20, 2023

Remnant Rising, Join us Saturday “Remnant Rising” Praise and Worship April 8th 4:00 pm
Topic: Spiritual Discernment and Spiritual Warfare Sessions starting soon.. If you haven’t signed up, please IM Kathie.

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