I am excited about all the revival reports I am hearing from around the country — many are encountering an increase of God’s presence, and spiritual hunger. They have reported healings, deliverances, and salvations. Numbers of believers are experiencing Jesus in refreshing ways. In a vision he received last year and shared publicly at the end of January, Dr. Michael Brown saw thousands of churches and venues across America being touched by the Spirit. Could this be that?

A week ago, a reported revival broke out at Asbury University in Kentucky following the chapel service. Passionate believers are now traveling in from various regions and nations to partake. Many other universities, after hearing about Asbury have been experiencing similar outpourings.

A number are asking if what is happening at Asbury is a true revival or is it just hype? I read an article today, published by Baptist Paper, in which a Baptist Missionary attended the gathering and penned his observations.

The 10 Observations as copied below are excerpts from the article written by Rob Jackson, State Missionary for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Perhaps his observations will help you evaluate and discern.

10 observations from Asbury revival

1. It is spontaneous. You can plan “revival services,” but humans cannot orchestrate true revival. It is God sent.

2. Christ is exalted. The name of Jesus was lifted up the entire evening. Jesus was honored by these students.

3. There is much anticipation. On Monday evening, people gathered in three chapels with a waiting line outside of Hughes Auditorium. There was standing room only at 10 p.m. in the main chapel.

4. It is student-led. I was encouraged to see these young people worshipping the Lord.

5. There is a beautiful balance of order and freedom. While researching and writing on “revivals” while I was in the doctoral program, I witnessed many so-called “revivals” that appeared out of control. Asbury is not like that. There is freedom to kneel, pray and cry out to God, but at the same time, everything is done in an orderly manner. Worship through music, sharing Scripture, confession of sin and prayer were the norm when I was present.

6. God is moving. I know this to be true because I witnessed Him at work in people around me.

I also know it to be true because God moved in my life. I went as an “observer” but quickly was overwhelmed by the manifest presence of God. I knelt by a side window, and tears flowed down my cheeks as I prayed for a more intimate walk with Him.

As I wiped the tears away and stood up, I noticed people lying prostrate up and down the aisles. One college student near me was on her face crying out to God in repentance. ..

7. Worship in song is powerful and with much joy. There seemed to be genuine joy in the lives of those present. Furthermore, I agree with one of my friends who serves on our SBC Prayer Link, “the worship is powerful.”

8. Time seems to slow down. This fact was one of the most surprising insights for me. I stood – and knelt some – for hours. I looked at my watch, and it was 11 p.m. Hours had passed, and it seemed only a short time to me.

9. There is a desire to spread the news. Students at Asbury, and others who are experiencing the grace of God, are eager to tell others what they are experiencing. Word is spreading.

10. People are coming. Many Christians are longing for revival. Car tags revealed that people travel from various parts of the U.S. to see what God is doing. One family near me flew in from El Salvador.

These are insightful observations.

Is this revival?

I live in a desert and sometime we get a little drop of rain here and there… we call this “rain” — true rain! And then there are the heavy summer rains, our monsoons…we also call this “rain” — true rain!

Anytime you see the presence of Jesus touching lives, people wanting to worship, repentance, salvations, and hunger, I would call that revival. Let’s celebrate what the Lord is doing and ask Him for more. It’s a season of acceleration. Let’s press in for more of Him. Jesus is being exalted and glorified in worship, prayer, repentance, and testimony. Thank You Lord for Revival! More Lord!

For the full article published by Baptist Paper go to: m.facebook.com/story.php

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