HomeUncategorized(POLL) Most want to ‘send back’ illegal immigrants to combat border crisis

(POLL) Most want to ‘send back’ illegal immigrants to combat border crisis

Ninety-eight percent (98%) of those polled say that to address the border crisis, the US should send back millions of people who have crossed into the US illegally.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,164 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Two percent (2%) say the illegal border crossers should not be returned to their home countries.

Illegal border crossings continue to shatter historic records with more than 2 million people illegally crossing into the US in 2022 on top of 1.7 million crossing in 2021, according to Customs and Border Protection.

Dozens of Texas counties have proposed or passed resolutions calling the border crisis an invasion, in part to try to pressure the federal government to secure the border. 

President Biden recently visited the border, the first time in his two years as president, and offered to expand the use of Trump-era border control measures. 

Last week’s Full Measure cover story featured the trials and tribulations of the foreign crossers as they make the dangerous trek from South America to Panama, and what impact the Biden administration is having on the crisis.

Watch “Southern Swarm” here.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Should addressing the Border Crisis mean trying to send back the millions who have recently crossed illegally into the US?

2% No, it’s water under the bridge

98% Yes, absolutely!

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