N.F.L. Says Suspended Game Won’t Resume This Week as Hamlin Stays in Hospital – NFL Prayer Vigil for Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin join us every night 7:00 pm on Zoom We continue to Pray in agree together asking God to hear our prayers, for mercy and life for this young man who is fighting for his life. Our Father in Heaven hears and answer as we pray, asking in Jesus Name for healing and recovery. An uncle of Damar Hamlin, a Bills safety who went into cardiac arrest during Monday’s game, said Tuesday night that doctors were working to get his nephew breathing on his own without a ventilator. https://share.icloud.com/photos/077N2vMsYlLEJZezUJyBuZn5Q NFL Prayer Vigil for Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin join us every night 7:00 pm on Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85653844802?pwd=cmtINFhQMjQyVmNxQWJYWUsxb0NNZz09
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