HomeStrategyPoliticsJames Baker May Face ‘Serious Ethics Charges’ For Vetting ‘Twitter Files’ Without...

James Baker May Face ‘Serious Ethics Charges’ For Vetting ‘Twitter Files’ Without Musk’s Knowledge, Says Expert

James Baker, the former Twitter attorney who was recently ousted by Elon Musk due to his alleged involvement in suppressing information, may end up facing ethics charges, according to Mike Davis, founder and president of advocacy organization Article III Project (A3P).

In an interview with NTD, Davis pointed out that Baker was a top appointee in the Obama Justice Department, worked as the General Counsel of the FBI, and after being fired from the agency became a top lawyer at Twitter. At the social media firm, Baker was “working with the FBI” and “suppressing” the New York Post’s reporting about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, an issue which had an impact on the 2020 presidential election, Davis stated.

Twitter’s new management under Musk had selected two journalists to make some of the controversial internal emails public. The first batch of these “Twitter Files” was published on Dec. 2. More files were supposed to be released. However, as this got delayed, one of the journalists, Matt Taibbi, revealed in a series of tweets that the reason for the delay was Baker.

The first batch of Twitter Files was vetted by Baker “without the knowledge of the new management,” Taibbi said in a tweet. “The news that Baker was reviewing the ‘Twitter files’ surprised everyone involved, to say the least. New Twitter chief Elon Musk acted quickly to ‘exit’ Baker Tuesday.”

During the NTD interview, Davis pointed out that Baker’s involvement in vetting the Twitter Files means there was a “conflict of interest” where he is reviewing his own files that are damaging to him personally, and thus, working against his clients. “And if that’s the case, he faces serious ethics charges as an attorney for Twitter,” Davis said.

Taibbi released the third volume of “Twitter Files” Friday exposing the censorship and deplatforming of former President Donald Trump.

FBI–Big Tech Censorship

Davis also raised the possibility of Baker being part of the 51 former intelligence officials who came out to dismiss the New York Post story about Hunter Biden as a Russian hoax. He hopes the recent disclosures get to the “bottom of this.”

This could show that the FBI is “rotten to the core” and that they are “partisan, they are advocating for Democratic candidates and when the other side screams about democracy, that means that they’re the ones who are going against democracy.”

“When you have the FBI colluding with big tech to censor, silence, deplatform, cancel conservatives and others with whom they disagree, we have a major First Amendment problem.”

Davis called the situation the “biggest scandal” that America has seen in a long time which makes the Democrat’s Russia collusion hoax “pale in comparison.”

On Dec. 6, Republicans wrote a letter to Baker, asking him to get in touch with the House Oversight Committee and appear before the panel during the next Congress.

Kevin Hogan


Naveen Athrappully


Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times.

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