Powerful Conclusion to California Crusade
by Larry Rutledge | Nov 18, 2022 | California, Mario Murillo Ministries, Roseville | 0 comments
The final night under the Tent was full of anticipation. You could feel the expectancy in the room as the people began to arrive. The presence of God was there from the moment we stepped foot on the grounds.
Once more Destiny Music brought heaven down, beginning with the crowd’s new favorite song, “Doing a New Thing.” People were dancing and worshiping with their whole heart. Toward the end of their time, they once again sang, “Holy Spirit You are Welcome,” and once again the place was overcome with the sweet, gentle presence of God.Just before Mario took the stage, they ended with, “I Speak Jesus,” and the place erupted in a mighty shout of praise.
Mario talked about the livestream of Tuesday night’s meeting, in particular, messages that have come in from people who were healed as they watched online—confirming that God is able to touch you where ever you are.Then Mario began to teach. His message covered the topics of sin, separation from God, and most importantly, the remedy which is Jesus Christ.
He talked about the reputation that the city of Capernaum had in Jesus’ time. How their contemporaries had written them off, and how they were considered the lowest strata of society. Yet, even though it was ground zero for being left out of everything, Jesus went there first. He went to the lowest and to the people who were the most forgotten.
When Mario gave the call to come to Jesus, the response was overwhelming! This was the largest altar response for salvation of all four nights. Hundreds came forward to surrender their lives to Christ. It was a beautiful sight to see.After the crowd left the altar to be prayed for, a shift occurred in the atmosphere of the Tent. God’s powerful presence became almost palpable. And then the miracles began.
Mario began by having the people tell God that they want more of Him. He had them raise their hands and their voices to God. As people began to pray in their heavenly language, the presence of God in the room became even more powerful.
Mario then said, “If you hear the Holy Spirit telling you to do it, get up and walk! Rise up and walk in the name of Jesus!” Within a few moments, over to one side of the Tent, a woman did just that. She made her way out from her seat and began to walk across the front of the Tent, praising God as she went. And, soon, she was followed by another.There were so many miracles taking place, that Mario wasn’t even able to call them out individually. He began to identify specific healings as they were happening to multiple people in the same section of the audience.
The first group he identified was in the middle section of the Tent, composed of five people who had heart disease. Also, Mario called out diabetes, pain in the spine, and hearing issues. In another section, seven people had all been battling diabetes. In another, three people had been diagnosed with cancer.
He then called out a woman and told her that her healing would bring salvation to souls. He spoke into her life, telling her that she had a ministry praying for others to be healed, and that it was after she had begun praying for the sick that her body was attacked. She was healed in five areas of her body, including multiple tumors.
Next, he called out 10 people who all had migraine headaches. Then Mario highlighted one of the 10 who was seated near the back of the Tent. He shared with her that the Lord had shown him that her pain was not just the migraines, but that she was healed also in her neck, her legs, her back, and her jaw.He encouraged the people, “Reach out and get what you need from God!”
Mario then pointed to a man in the crowd whose legs and back were now healed. Then he focused on a woman whose legs, arms, back, lungs, and eyes were all being healed. Next, he called out several who had suffered from stomach ulcers.
After this, the worship team was called back up to close out the service. They began with what had become the theme of the crusade, “Doing a New Thing.”
The night came to a close, but as I walked around afterward, I could still feel the fire of God burning in the Tent. I know there are going to be many more reports of miracles in the coming days. We can’t wait to hear the reports of all God has done and to hear the testimonies from those who have been healed, and the stories of how their doctors confirmed the many amazing words from the Lord over their lives.
If you weren’t able to be with us in the Tent, plan on attending the many events that we are planning for 2023. The next event in the Tent will be in December, with both Mario and Lance Wallnau, in Florida, then Mario will be in Bakersfield, in early January. More details will be available on mariomurillo.org in the next few days. See you there!