There is continuing confusion about whether the US government still sees Covid-19 as an “emergency” or not. For some purposes, the emergency has been declared over. But for other purposes, the government is continuing the state of emergency.
The following is an excerpt from Becker’s Healthcare Review.
The U.S. will extend the Covid-19 public health emergency past January 11, 2023, CNBC reported Nov. 11.
A 12th extension of the PHE since the first in January 2020 is also likely because of a lack of public statement from HHS warning about a termination.
The agency last renewed the PHE Oct. 13 for an additional 90 days to Jan. 11, 2023 — it also told states it would provide a notice 60 days before if it did decide to end it, or Nov. 11.
The PHE allows the country to continue operating under pandemic-era policies, which led to a complete overhaul of tele-health and who can use it, fast-tracked approvals of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments, and preserved healthcare coverage for millions of Medicaid beneficiaries nationwide.
Eleven states also still have coinciding public health emergency orders in place.
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