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Defend and Fight for the Heart of the Father

Defend and Fight for the Heart of the Father

I believe the Lord Jesus is going to be revealed to us his people, that we may know Him, and be transformed into his image and likeness.
His Manifested Glory is going to come forward, even piercing this veil of our flesh. That Christ would be made known to this world that there is a living Christ who dwells among his Church.

When He appears we shall be like him, changed in an instant into his glorious nature.

2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV: And we all, who with unveiled faces beholding
the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit

God removes this “veil” between Himself and people only when they come to Him through faith in Christ. Only in Christ is sin forgiven once and for all. Only then does God’s Holy Spirit act to remove the veil of hardness and allow those in Christ to see God’s glory as He has revealed it in Jesus.

Now Paul shows that this moment of spiritual revelation is followed by spiritual transformation. With the veil gone, all those in Christ have unveiled faces, boldly looking at Christ, who is the glory of God. We can now see Him for who and what He is. This act of seeing, of understanding, the nature of Christ begins the process through which God transforms His children into the image of Christ.

Paul writes that this change happens from “one degree of glory to another” or “from glory to glory” in the Greek language. It is a remarkable promise. Not only are those in Christ finally freed to see God’s glory, but they begin to become God’s glory as they begin to become like Christ. This is not something we accomplish for ourselves through study or discipline or self-will. Paul insists that it is the Spirit of God who makes this happen in all of those who are in Christ Jesus.

Friday Worship Remnant Rising Coram, NY
Praise and Worship Nov 4th 7:00 pm
Healing Waters Fellowship Selden, NY
Christ Jesus – Long Island Rule in Heavenlies
Topic: Spiritual Discernment and Spiritual Warfare Sessions starting soon.. If you haven’t signed up, please IM Kathie.

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