HomeStrategyPoliticsGlobal Elites Forced to Cancel Annual Meeting at Davos for 2nd Year...

Global Elites Forced to Cancel Annual Meeting at Davos for 2nd Year in Row

‘Great reset’ mastermind Klaus Schwab reschedules plans

 on&nbsp20th December 2021 @ 5.00pm

the gathering where the world s globalists meet at the luxury ski resort will now take place     summer

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The gathering where the world’s globalists meet at the luxury ski resort will now take place “’summer’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been forced to scrap its annual meeting where global leaders meet in Davos, Switzerland.

The gathering, where the world’s globalists meet at the luxury ski resort, will now take place “early summer,” according to AP.

The forum said in a statement:

“Current pandemic conditions make it extremely difficult to deliver a global in-person meeting.”

“Preparations have been guided by expert advice and have benefited from the close collaboration of the Swiss government at all levels.”

the forum said a    headline series of state of the world sessions    would bring them together online to address challenges facing the globe

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The forum said a “headline series of State of the World sessions” would bring them together online to address challenges facing the globe

Founder and “great reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab outlined plans to host a “digital convening of leaders from business, government, and civil society.”

The forum said a “headline series of State of the World sessions” would bring them together online to address challenges facing the globe.

French President Emmanuel Macron declared at the WEF virtual summit at the beginning of this year that modern capitalism “can no longer work,” and an alternative must be found.

The French leader said while capitalism had driven down poverty globally, he claimed it came with a cost of furthering inequality.

“We will get out of this pandemic only with an economy that thinks more about fighting inequalities,” Macron enthused.

“The capitalist model together with this open economy can no longer work in this environment.”

the wef predicted in a 2016 video that a    happy    future would only be possible where individuals no longer owned property

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The WEF predicted in a 2016 video that a ‘happy’ future would only be possible where individuals no longer owned property.

Macron also praised Joe Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, which President Donald Trump left in 2019.

Earlier this year, The World Economic Forum predicted what life for humans would look like after the “Great Reset,” foreseeing the “age of human robots” will come to an end as people will be replaced by technology.

The WEF claimed technological wonders would free humanity from labor for work which requires the “understanding what it means to be human.”

“Take a walk into the future,” the WEF told followers of social media.

“We’re getting past the last 10,000 years where we’ve used humans, by and large, engaging only a tiny fraction of human abilities and forcing people into repetitive, tedious dead-end work for the most part.“

“So the age of human robots is over, and we have to figure out a new age.”

The WEF predicted in a 2016 video that a “happy” future would only be possible where individuals no longer owned property.

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, ‘our city,’” WEF projected.

“I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house.”

“I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”

[READ MORE] Swiss Police Reject the ‘Great Reset’: ‘We Work for the People, NOT the Elite’

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