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End Times Coming Sign False Pope One World Religion – Coming Judgement Signs in the Earth

Signs of the End Times, Where Lawlessness abounds on the streets, the declaration of one World Government Religion, where Faith in Jesus and the Bible will be forbidden. They will proclaim another way to Heaven. Through the Union of False beliefs they will deny the one True God. They will raise up a False Pope an Antichrist, saying that all Religions are accepted before man-made-god that leads to a false-heaven we do not know. Plagues and COVID, Tornados, earth quakes and Hurricanes will bring destruction to the land.

We need turn back to God, America the one True God. Our God of Mercy and Peace who will Heal our Land and watch over us to protect us from these evils, the curse that has released this plagued-judgement upon our land. Through Abortions and murder, the selling of human body parts while the children are alive, the sex trafficking of woman and children and the LGBTQ wants to take our young boys and offer them up to pediphile Abuse with older men with no legal recourse. It’s just the new “Normal-way of life with the acceptance of the Profane lies of Gender Confusion, Gender Identity… crimes against humanity and God. False balance in the courts, lack of true justice prevails across the land, especially in our corrupt Education System which needs to be torn down. God Help and Save America… your comments are appreciated

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