HomeUncategorized(FORUM) Court challenges to Covid-19 vaccine mandates

(FORUM) Court challenges to Covid-19 vaccine mandates

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It’s difficult to keep up with the status of all the court challenges to various Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

So far, courts have put various mandates on hold, including those for health care workers, those for federal contractors, and those for private employers with 100 or more workers.

Some challenges are on the grounds that religious exemptions aren’t allowed.

There are questions about privacy.

Many are asking why natural immunity, which dozens of studies have found is far more effective than vaccine immunity, isn’t even being acknowledged in the mandate equation. That’s despite the fact that at least half of Americans (some scientists estimate significantly more) are believed to have natural immunity after fighting off Covid with or without symptoms.

There are also questions about the medical and ethical justification for mandates since CDC says Covid-19 is not a serious disease for the vast majority who get it, and the death rate is very small. Additionally, scientists say there are serious risks posed by Covid-19 vaccines. (CDC and other public health officials say the benefits outweigh the risks.)

Nonetheless, many employer– both federal and private– have moved forward with steps encouraging or forcing the vaccine upon employees, anyway.

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