In an extraordinary questionnaire given to federal employees who are requesting a religious exemption from the Biden administration’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate, the Dept. of Justice lists other widely-used medicines reported to have used “fetal cells in their development.”
The reported use of fetal cells in the development of Covid-19 vaccines is a major reason given by people who object to getting the vaccine on religious grounds.
The questionnaire seems to imply that an employee doesn’t have a valid religious exemption on those grounds unless he is also “currently” abstaining from taking “Pepto Bismol, Tylenol, Tylenol Cold & Flue [sic], Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Claritin, Lipitor, Zoloft, Ex-Lax, Maalox, Sudafed, Prilosec OTC,” all of which, says the government questionnaire, “have been reported to use fetal cells in their development.”
Do you currently abstain from all of the following medications, which have been reported to use fetal cells in their development: Pepto Bismol, Tylenol, Tylenol Cold & Flue [sic], Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Claritin, Lipitor, Zoloft, Ex-Lax, Maalox, Sudafed, Prilosec OTC. [sic]
Department of Justice questionnaire to federal employees claiming religious exemption from Covid-19 vaccine
As part of the process of considering religious exemptions, a federal Deciding Official judges the employees and determines how religious they are, how sincere they are in their objections, and whether their religious practices and beliefs are good enough and deep enough to qualify for an exemption.
You can read the full questionnaire below.