HomeUncategorized(READ) Trump on vindication; Mitch McConnell and ‘Non-Infrastructure’ bill; ‘Lyin’ Brian Williams...

(READ) Trump on vindication; Mitch McConnell and ‘Non-Infrastructure’ bill; ‘Lyin’ Brian Williams and Steve Bannon

Donald Trump remains one of the most significant and influential political figures in the world today. However, Trump has largely been censored in the news, on the Internet and by social media companies acting on behalf of corporate and political interests. Some of the difficult-to-find information regarding Trump will be published here in the interest of rejecting censorship of people, ideas, facts, studies and information.

November 12, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
The lawsuit brought by a woman who made up false accusations against President Trump for publicity or money has just been dropped in its totality. The Fake News Media totally and completely distorted the facts—they are corrupt. President Trump has been totally vindicated. No money of any kind, or legal fees, were paid by President Trump, who stated, “It is so sad when things like this can happen, but so incredibly important to fight for the truth and justice. Only victory can restore one’s reputation!” 
November 13, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Mitch McConnell has stated that he will not go to the signing of the “Non-Infrastructure” Bill (only 11% for real Infrastructure) or, as it is sometimes called, the Elect Democrats in 2022/24 Act. It gives Biden and the Democrats a victory just as they were falling off the cliff. Based on the fact that the Old Crow convinced many Republican Senators to vote for the Bill, greatly jeopardizing their chance of winning re-election, and that he led the way, he should go to the signing and put up with the scorn from Great Republican Patriots that are already lambasting him. Our Country is being destroyed while Mitch McConnell gives lifelines to those who are destroying it!

November 13, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Looks like Lyin’ Brian Williams is leaving ratings-challenged MSNBC to search for new employment. Never had the credibility to do what he is doing after he was caught lying about his involvement in a fake military airplane skirmish. He later confessed, it never happened. He’s tired of his current show and they’re obviously tired of him—won’t be missed!

November 14, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

This Country has perhaps never done to anyone what they have done to Steve Bannon and they are looking to do it to others, also. If they would be so tough with China, Russia, and the world, who no longer respects us, maybe our Country would not be failing at a level at which we have never seen before. We never talk about making our Country great, and it is now heading in an unthinkable direction with the Afghanistan withdrawal, open Borders, Inflation, Woke everything, and so much more. The USA is a radicalized mess! 

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