HomeStrategyBusinessYou Can Get First Time Guest At You Church

You Can Get First Time Guest At You Church

Here’s How You Can Get First Time Guests At Your Church Every Sunday…

Dear pastor,

If you’d like to learn a proven model for church growth that helped our church grow from 29 to over 400 in less than 2 years that you can apply without a large budget or team then please read through to the end.

Did you know that 85% of churches in North America are stagnant or in decline?

And it’s not because they’re “dead” or “bad” churches. In fact most of these churches are simply missing ONE thing…

An effective way to consistently reach new people.

See, most churches are focused on improving their existing systems and structures while their attendance goes down week after week…which is kind of like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic…

The problem is these churches are structured to reach a world that doesn’t exist anymore.

Because going to church isn’t “cultural” like it used to be. And the churches that don’t know how to reach unchurched people are in trouble!

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Because hundreds of churches across the country are learning a new way to reach people and grow!
And I’m excited to share it with you now…
Here’s what I discovered.

Several years ago I was a young church planter trying to be a husband, father to three small kids, pastor my congregation, and at the same time grow the church as I believed God called me to do!

At the time I was doing everything I knew how to do to reach people in my community.

Talking to as many people as possible, passing out flyers, and calling people constantly but running out of time every day and not really seeing results.

The big problem was that I couldn’t figure out how to get more people to come to church and I was getting drained and disappointed in the process.

I was ready to just give up but I knew that wasn’t really an option. We had a mission to accomplish and I knew our church HAD to reach our city.
Then something amazing happened…
A guy from our church approached me and offered to pay for some marketing.

Believe it or not, I actually wanted to spend the money on supplies for our church…

Luckily, my wife stopped me!

Instead, we ended up using that money to invite people to church using a simple Facebook™ invite ad and we had over 80 visitors that Sunday!

And…our church actually doubled in one day!

Pretty awesome…

I quickly realized we could use these invite ads to reach thousands of people at the click of a button without burning out in the process…

And, I wanted to start doing this a LOT more consistently for outreach…
So I started researching like a madman, learning everything I could about Facebook ads and how to use them effectively.

But I didn’t stop there.

I put that knowledge into motion and started using Facebook ads every time I wanted to promote a service or event. Sometimes we got great results and sometimes not but we kept growing as a result and learned a ton in the process.

After that, we took what we learned and applied it to all of our marketing efforts, including TV, Movie Ads, Door Hangers, and Direct Mail.

Using these strategies, our church DOUBLED 5 times and we grew from 20 to over 500 in less than 3 years!

Some of my pastor friends caught wind of how we were using Facebook as an evangelistic tool and started knocking on my door, wanting to know how we did it…

So, I decided to share what I’d learned with as many pastors and churches as possible.
That’s why I created

“The Facebook Invitation System.”
A Step By Step Training Course…

Using these simple Facebook ads we can now invite our entire city to church in less than 30 minutes at the click of a button and see first-time guests come to church every single week without breaking the budget or getting burned-out!

By learning how to effectively invite people we now see first-time guests and salvations every single Sunday without fail…

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside The Facebook Invitation System…
How to invite your entire city to church (if you want to) in less than 30 minutes…so you’ll instantly be “on the radar” of anyone that’s looking for a church to attend.

How to break down the two biggest barriers that are stopping your church from growing…that you probably aren’t even aware of…that are actually EASY to demolish when you use the Facebook Invitation System™ consistently.

The “better” way to make videos that doesn’t require expensive gear or software but actually increases the effectiveness of your video invites!

The “Almost Perfect” church invite script that you can use in your ads so you don’t have to worry about what to say in your videos! No more “freeze” when the camera goes on…

How to write ad copy (the words in your posts) so good it’s like cheating…(Hint: It’s easier than you think!)

The simple 4-step process we’ve used to get first time guests every Sunday for over a year…that you can have up and running within a few hours so you can start getting results FAST…

How to create authentic conversations with people that need Jesus that start on social media but carry over into the REAL world…we’ve seen this many times!

And so much more!

Get Started Now!
What makes this even better is…

You’ll never have to worry about tech-headache again!

Because I’ve made it SUPER SIMPLE for you in this step by step training…

And best of all… you should start seeing results with “The Facebook Invitation System” in less than 30 days and it actually pays for itself as you add people to your church and they start to give towards the mission!
So again, if you’re a pastor or anyone else that wants their church to grow, understand this…
Over a billion people a day use some form of social media! This is the largest and still largely untapped mission field in the world…

Every day you wait is another day that people are unaware of your church and how God can change their life…

85% of churches in North America are stagnant or in decline and it doesn’t need to be that way because you can start reaching more people RIGHT NOW….

And, if you apply the training “The Facebook Invitation System” will help you get more first-time guests at your church even as soon as this Sunday because it works!

Get Started Now!
Don’t Just Take My Word For It! Hear From Others…
Hey Pastor Jake, today was our first day and we had 120 people show up largely due to our Facebook ads. As I was talking to the guests I asked a couple how did you hear about us and they said Facebook. So thank you please let everybody know the Facebook ad system works very well.

Pastor Dave

Renaissance City Church

Jake’s the real deal. As a brand new church plant, he helped coach us into a Grand Opening Sunday of 220 people, and we’re in a smallish town (under 40k). His marketing, facility, personnel and service advice saved us thousands of dollars and years of hard work, plus the personal grief of slow growth.

Pastor Aaron

Joy Church Grant’s Pass

As a small church plant this scalable marketing plan has proven itself time and time again for us with real world results! The training I have received has been nothing short of amazing.

Pastor Thad

Lift Church AK

Jake has helped coach me on strategically planning my Sundays and my marketing to increase growth, momentum, and a family atmosphere. His knowledge and encouragement have been priceless as we have planted and established our church.

Pastor Chris

Grace City Church

Pastor Jake is blessed with the ability and foresight to build an effective and efficient marketing plan for local churches. From building the initial name awareness to implementing strategic and targeted methods to grow niche markets, he’s able to bring it all together in a cohesive and impactful way.

David Fenley

Marketing/Advertising Fox TV

I’m Ready To Get Started!

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