HomeUncategorized(POLL) Most voters support workers’ right to refuse Covid-19 vaccine

(POLL) Most voters support workers’ right to refuse Covid-19 vaccine

As the Biden Administration doubles-down on Covid-19 vaccine mandates set to begin in early 2022, a recent Rasmussen Reports poll shows that 52% percent of US voters support workers’ right to refuse it.

The voters also say they believe that enforcing such a mandate by firing workers for non-compliance will ultimately hurt the overall US economy. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of respondents said they do not support workers refusing the vaccine, while 10% said they are not sure.

The 1,000 US likely voters were polled on November 2 and 3 by Rasmussen Reports, just days before the Biden Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released mandate requirements.

President Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate will force employees of companies that employ more than 100 people to either get vaccinated or undergo weekly testing beginning January 4.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

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