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(READ) Trump statement on his new social media empire

Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

Study my below excerpts, from my
report about Bolshevik Russia’s
“P S Y C H O P O L I T I C S”—yes
that is a Very REAL Thing !

Excerpts from my
3,000-word essay :


The Underlying P s y c h o p o l i t i c s


Marxists’ Shadow-State Support


Abortion and Homosexuality and Communism


You may not be familiar with that term, “Psychopolitics,” because Shadow-State operatives (( embedded in all U.S. (un)Intelligence Agencies after WW-II; and study!/read, “Blacklisted By History—The Untold Story Of Senator Joe McCarthy,” by M. Stanton Evans )) keep it – keep its dreadful meaning and purposes! – well-hidden from you—because it’s an anti-individual, animalistic, pro-collectivist, civilization-wrecking, Russian MANUAL (( created by G_dless Bolsheviks during their worse-than-Nazis B R U T A L I T A R I A N I S M torturously/lustily applied against Christian Russia )) for Marxism-inspired instructions/teachings on how to BRAINWASH the White/Christian West, developed by brain-storming Shadow-State mass-murderers ( those psychopathic, maternalistic, mass-murdering, equalitarianist, haters-of-mother/father/child/G_d family formations, pro-Khazarian, pro-mayhem Bolsheviks!; and word-search that history of the “Khazar Civilization” )), during the early 1900s; for toppling White/Christian/Western democracies for SOCIALISM / COMMUNISM / FEMINISM / ATHEISM / and (very curiously!) FREEDOM from any restraints/guardrails against Sexual Activities (( Note : Rising Feminism is Marxism on the march!, which rise throughout world history has effected the death of high-culture civilizations: Ancient Greece, Rome, (now) Europe, (now) Great Britain, and (now) this Once-White/-Moral/-Civilized/-Safe America )).

– Brief Overview of Communists’ Psychopolitics –

—excerpted from the Russian/Communist Manual about how to brainwash enemies of the communist state, used for brainwashing (tricking/fooling!) freedom-loving people within those meritocratic/democratic/capitalistic/G_d-centered societies in the West.

And keep in mind, that the value of INALIENABLE Rights for each individual are distinctly Western in their origins and their applications (( a value bequeathed to us by those ingenious, liberty-loving, Ancient Greeks )) while the “rights” of the collective (( always a collectivism put in service to the central authority of a king OR a queen OR a dictator OR a cabal of rulers, which collectivism always negates the G_d-given rights of any one individual )) are Eastern in their origins (( a central authority having been the common, worldwide method for governing mankind until that Greek Miracle had blessed the common man with possible relief—from his unending subjugation to brutal, despotic rulers; read Judith Hamilton’s book about the differences between West and East, “The Greek Way” )).

And keep in mind, while reading below excerpts, you’re evaluating ideas from a very sick mind—a truly, indisputably psychopathic mind!, as all people embracing socialism/communism/atheism are either mentally diabled or mentally ill—or both!, and which depths of mental sickness have been displayed through the horrors OF tortures, OF firing squads, OF mass starvations and OF full-bore wars that those Eastern-influenced socialists/communists/atheists had effected during the 20th century, effecting a body count of about 120-million victimized souls (( probably 250-million souls dispatched, when considering the aftermath deaths ))—dispatched by socialists/communists/atheists Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and other lesser-known psychopaths in Leftism (( my clarifications and analyses of these below excerpts from “Psychopolitics” are bracketed, and my double slash-marks link certain excerpted paragraphs found in the Manual )) :

“ In rearranging loyalties we must have command of their values [[ by destroying religions and other virtue-supporting teachings and traditions ]]. In the animal the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating errors to him, showing him that he does not remember, cannot act, or does not trust himself. The second loyalty is to his family unit, his parents and brothers and sisters. This is destroyed by making a family unit economically non-dependent [[ non-dependent on the family unit for anything; ergo, infuse society with welfare-state supports to destroy the family ]], by lessening the value of marriage [[ for any sexual satisfaction or having and raising children; for destroying the underpinnings of the meritocratic / democratic / capitalistic / G_d-centered state ]], by making an easiness of divorce [[ “no-fault” divorce ]] and by raising children wherever possible by the State [[ leftists’ on-going push for increasing establishment of fatherless homes and childcare centers, everywhere ]]. The next loyalty is to his friends and local environment. This is destroyed by lowering his trust through bringing about rumors concerning him, allegedly perpetrated by his fellows or the town or village authorities [[ use of comrade-informants, for spying on potential enemies of the State ]]. The next is to the state and this, for the purposes of communism, is the only loyalty that should exist once the [[ non-communist ]] state is [re]founded as a Communist State. To destroy loyalty to the [[ non-communist ]] state all manner of restrictions on youth must be put into effect, so as to disenfranchise them as members of the capitalist state, by promises of a better lot under communism, to gain their loyalty to the Communist Movement. // Denying a capitalist country easy access to courts [[ ? ]], bringing about and supporting propaganda to destroy the home [[ anti-White-family premised TV sitcoms, movies, books and magazines ]], creating and fostering juvenile delinquency [[ natural consequence of the breakdown of the nuclear family and elevation of the value of single-parent childrearing ]], thus forcing upon the state all manner of practices to divorce the child from the family [[ and the idea, Morality/G_d ]] will in the end create the chaos so necessary to communism. // By making drugs of various kinds readily available [[ recall clever-drug-pusher Hollywood socialists’/communists’/atheists’ do-your-own-thing 1960s revolution, against moral restraints—for enjoyment of mind-altering, “recreational” drugs ]]. By giving the teenager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising [[ recall Hollywood’s yearly, summertime, teen-sex movies celebrating rebellious social behavior; and recall porn-pusher socialists’/communists’/atheists’ 30-year effort – from the mid-Fifties through the mid-Eighties – at mainstreaming pornography, using courts and legislatures to that evil end, in order to “free” us from our “prudish” opposition to sex-is-fun movies, books and magazines ]] . . . the psychopolitcal operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness, and worthlessness that will be the matrix to give the teenager complete freedom everywhere—[[ in order to effect ]] communism. // If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won that [[ Western ]] country. Therefore we must keep up a continual barrage of [[ Libertine-Leftism-infused ]] propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of the citizens in general and the teenager in particular. // The role of the psychopolitical operator is very strong. He can, from his position as the authority on the mind advise all manner of destructive measures [[ authority working through the subjectivistic fields of sociology and psychology, both mostly being Leftism-effected tools for disseminating anti-family/pro-communist propaganda in Western democracies ]]. He can teach over-permissiveness as the means of dealing with the child at home [[ outlaw corporal punishment—outlaw parental control of children ]]. He can instruct, in an optimum situation, the entire nation in how to handle children—instructing them so that the children, given no control or given no real home, can run wildly about without responsibility for their nation or themselves. // The misalignment of the loyalty of youth to a capitalistic nation sets the proper stage for a realignment of their loyalties with communism. Creating a greed for drugs, sexual misbehavior, and uncontrolled freedom, while presenting this to them as a benefit of communism, will easily bring about our chosen alignment. // The educational programs of Psychopolitics [[ of entraining/brainwashing ]] must, at every hand, seek out the levels of youth who will become the leaders in the country’s future, and educate them into a belief in the animalistic nature of Man [[ promote the sexual perversions of – for examples – man/boy and woman/girl sexuality, of man/beast and woman/beast sexuality, and promotion of children’s “right” to unrestrained sexual expression; that is, promote any sexual expression that demeans the sacredness of procreative sexuality found within the healthy constraints of heterosexual marriage ]]. // It is the basic purpose of Psychopolitics to reduce the state of mind to a point of where it can be ordered and enslaved [[ making of us Zombies through hypnosis-effecting Rock music ]]. Thus, the first target is Man himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern [[ explains the socialists’/communists’/feminists’ 1960s sexual revolution—and explains its now-fever-pitched push for open homosexuality in the armed forces and civilian recognition of marriage between homosexuals ]]. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions [[ a natural, free-love position for those atheistic socialists/communists to embrace ]]. He must no longer think of himself, or his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility [[ as the personal nobility of spirituality is an enemy of State-Communism, which demands of each individual an absolute allegiance to its authority, for the good of the collective ]]. // Man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism without individuality, and the idea must be programmed into a populace under attack [[ so ]] that Man’s individualistic reactions are [[ thought to be ]] the product of mental derangement. The populace must be made to believe that every individual within it who rebels [[ against State-Atheism/Communism ]] in any way, shape or form . . . must be considered to be a deranged person whose eccentricities are neurotic or insane, and who must be referred at once to the treatment of [[ by ]] a psychopolitician (licensed as a mental healer) [[ he/she is also known as a “social worker“ and/or “community organizer” and/or “medical doctor” and/or “psychologist” and/or “psychiatrist” and/or . . . ]]. ”

– end of my analysis –



Late 19th-century spokesman for Talmudic
Judaism, Rabbi Waton :

“ Judaism is communism!”


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