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(FORUM) When the Covid-19 vaccines don’t work, is it proof that they work?

The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments.

Like many people I support the idea of people reading, consulting with their doctors, and researching to decide whether to take Covid-19 vaccines, which brand, and how many.

Journalists and media people should not be in the business of declaring that people they’ve ever treated, medically, “should get vaccinated.” Nor should they falsely claim (contrary to evidence) that the unvaccinated are somehow the root of continuing spread and problems. We now have an abundance of scientific studies and CDC data showing that vaccinated people are widely spreading Covid-19, able to get very sick with Covid-19, and are even dying from it. Data from Israel shows the vaccinated are coming down with far more cases of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated who were previously infected, with or without symptoms.

But an odd public narrative has taken hold among some in the media, and among some public health officials.

The more the Covid-19 vaccines don’t do the job we hoped they’d do– the more some people insist it’s proof they are working and that more people need to get them.

When somebody, like Colin Powell, dies of Covid-19 after being fully-vaccinated, these people insist that’s proof the vaccine works and that it shows more people need to get vaccinated to save people like Colin Powell.

This makes no logical sense.

When vaccinated people by the thousands get sick from Delta variant or some other form of Covid, it is claimed, without evidence, that they would have been sicker if they hadn’t gotten vaccinated. (In fact, scientists say, most unvaccinated people who get Covid will have cases that are mild or without symptoms.) It’s impossible to know whether a vaccinated person who’s sick was made better off by vaccination.

When CDC and other institutions discovery Covid-19 is routinely carried and spread by the fully-vaccinated, these people insist that’s all the more reason for more people to get vaccinated.

Those working to ignore natural immunity and promote the vaccine industry at all costs know the answer they want to have before the question is asked. Therefore, every question and problem raised– yields the same reply, no matter how ludicrous:

“This proves the vaccine works and more people need to get it.”


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