HomeUncategorized(READ) Trump on Michigan ‘voter fraud’ rally

(READ) Trump on Michigan ‘voter fraud’ rally

Donald Trump remains one of the most significant and influential political figures in the world today. However, Trump has largely been censored in the news, on the Internet and by social media companies acting on behalf of corporate and political interests. Some of the difficult-to-find information regarding Trump will be published here in the interest of rejecting censorship of people, ideas, facts, studies and information.

– October 13, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Big rally in Michigan yesterday, unbelievable spirit and knowledge of what went on with respect to voting and vote counting in the 2020 Presidential Election. Detroit, considered for many years to be one of the most corrupt places in the United States for elections (and many other things!), had large-scale irregularities so much so that two officials, at great risk to themselves and their families, refused to certify the results, and were sadly threatened. Wasn’t it a fact that aside from other things, there were far more votes than voters? Even the RINOs on the Senate Committee found 289,866 absentee ballots that were sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal.” Why did they viciously kick out the Republican poll watchers? Seventy percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counting boards didn’t match, it was a total mess. Why won’t they give respected professionals and representatives at yesterday’s rally the right to do a Forensic Audit of Wayne County (Detroit) and Macomb County? That includes the RINOs in the State Senate and House who for, whatever reason, do nothing but obstruct instead of seeking the truth. Hopefully, each one of these cowardly RINOs, whose names will be identified and forthcoming, will be primaried, with my Complete and Total Endorsement, in the upcoming election. Congratulations on the great rally yesterday!

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