HomeStrategyPoliticsIndonesian president Joko Widodo addresses Australian parliament – question time live |...

Indonesian president Joko Widodo addresses Australian parliament – question time live | Australia news

Anthony Albanese to Scott Morrison:

I ask, how can the Prime Minister claim to lead astable government when, on the day set aside to pay respect to victims of the bushfires, the Nationals decided to have a leadership challenge, and today a National Party member quit, threatening the government’s control of the House. When Australia needs stable government, why do we have a coalition of chaos?


The Leader of the Opposition does not represent the situation in the government at all. Not at all. Mr Speaker, our government…

Here are all of our members, and the member for Wide Bay is up the top there, he’s doing a great job.

As all the members are, representing all of their constituents and I tell you what they’re doing – they’re doing what they promised the Australian people they would do, Mr Speaker.

They said, when they went to their electorates, they were part of a government that was going to keep the economy strong, keep Australians safe, and keep Australians together, Mr Speaker.

And what we’ve done since that election, we’ve been delivering on the commitments we took to the Australian people.

Delivering tax cuts, Mr Speaker, getting on with the job of delivering our climate solutions fund, getting on with the job of keeping Australians safe, and in the face of some of the biggest disasters we’ve seen, Mr Speaker, ensuring that the response, the establishment of the national bushfire recovery agency, the stand-up of the first compulsory call-out of the reserves in response to a bushfire crisis, Mr Speaker, the implementation of our packages to support drought-affected farmers, the stand-up of our arrangements in terms of counter-terrorism, and ensuring that we’re doing the right thing in terms of foreign interference and the impact, Mr Speaker, of foreign terrorist fighters.

Our government is keeping Australians safe and we’re respecting our veterans with the measures we announced last week, and we’re getting on with the job what if we promised the Australian people. $100 million in additional infrastructure investments, not only building the roads, but the rail connections this country needs, both now and into the future. We’re delivering on what we told the Australian people we would do.

What do we have from those opposite? Each way. They’re for tax cuts, they’re against tax cuts, they are for the drought fund, they’re against the drought fund.

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