Note: All vaccines and other medicines have side effects. Illnesses after vaccination are not necessarily caused by the vaccines; they could be coincidental. Public health officials say the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines outweigh the risks among the eligible population.
A 37-year old Seattle woman died suddenly from a blood clot disorder identified as a side effect from Covid-19 vaccination.
That’s according to her obituary which states that Jessica Berg Wilson was ‘vehemently opposed to taking opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat. But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away.”
The report says Wilson died of “COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).”
Wilson’s obituary is below:
Jessica Berg Wilson
Oct. 29, 1983 – Sept. 7, 2021
Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Wash., passed away unexpectedly Sept. 7, 2021 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family. Jessica was an exceptionally healthy and vibrant 37-year-old young mother with no underlying health conditions.
Jessica was born Oct. 29, 1983 to Arthur and Gwen Berg in Portland, Ore. She attended Riverdale Grade School, graduated from Jesuit High School in 2002, and earned a B.A. from Oregon State University in 2007. After college, she had a successful professional career in human resource management and devoted her free time to numerous volunteer causes. She met Tom, her loving husband, in 2009 and they wed in 2012, going on to have two daughters, Bridget (5) and Clara (3).
Jessica fully embraced motherhood, sharing her passion for life with her daughters. Jessica’s motherly commitment was intense, with unwavering determination to nurture her children to be confident, humble, responsible, and to have concern and compassion for others with high morals built on Faith.
Jessica’s greatest passion was to be the best mother possible for Bridget and Clara. Nothing would stand in her way to be present in their lives. During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom. She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat. But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God’s Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.
Along with being a superb mother, Jessica was a devoted and supportive wife and created a beautiful, serene home for her family to thrive in while establishing her family in the wonderful Laurelhurst and Assumption-St. Bridget communities of Seattle. Jessica and Tom were a remarkable team who prioritized family values and morals, and their Catholic Faith.
Previous entry: Elderly man dies with blood clots in abdomen after Covid-19 vaccine
Blood clots and other blood disorders have been found to be a side effect in some cases of Covid-19 vaccine.
James Gearhart was 90 years old and had survived a stroke five years ago that paralyzed the diaphragm in one lung. He also had breathing issues.
This information comes from his son.
“He stood in line for 45 minutes waiting for the vaccine. After getting the shot he seemed fine, driving himself and my Mom to a diner and then home.”
Later, that night, Gearhart vomited and had a stomach ache. He thought its was food poisoning. The next day, he suffered abdominal pain but “toughed it out” and resisted going to the ER, thinking it was bad food.
On the third day, Gearhart asked his wife to call an ambulance. In the ER, “they attempted to pump his stomach which caused him to aspirate and have cardiac arrest.” A doctor also commented he may have a “flipped stomach” or “twisted bowel.”
Gearhart was “brought back by defibrillator and CPR but never regained consciousness.”
He was put on a ventilator for 24 hours “before the meds were shut off and he died.”
According to Gearhart’s son, Tom, the ICU doctor said the elder Gearhart had blood clots in his abdomen and necrosis in his bowel.
“Cause of death was ruled multiple organ failure, but I think that he’d still be alive if he hadn’t gotten the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. I received a condolence email from the FDA and CDC but so what.”
Gearhart died three days after getting the first Pfizer shot on March 1, 2021.
Previous entry: Respiratory-related death after Covid-19 vaccine
A 66-year old woman was in adult assisted living for schizophrenia with no serious physical health issues.

These details are according to a family member.
She got the Moderna vaccine in February.
After the second dose she “immediately” developed “respiratory issues.”
Prior to the shot, the patient’s longtime caretaker says the patient was quite healthy and had an excellent appetite.
Investigative reporter suffers heart issue after Covid-19 vaccine
Her condition deteriorated and she was hospitalized.

While in the hospital, doctors performed MRI and various other tests but found no answers. They rejected the caretaker’s opinion that the vaccine made the patient sick.
She never recovered, and she passed away.

News anchor dies of blood clots after Covid-19 vaccine
Previous entry: Cancer after Covid-19 vaccine
Note: All vaccines and other medicines have side effects. Neither FDA nor CDC has linked leukemia or other cancers to Covid-19 vaccines. They have linked various blood-related disorders to the vaccines. Illnesses after vaccination are not necessarily caused by the vaccines; they could be coincidental. Public health officials say the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines outweigh the risks among the eligible population.
The following information is from the parent of a young man who got vaccinated for Covid-19.
Report adverse events after vaccination here.
The young man got vaccinated for Covid-19 and, about six weeks later, been feeling very ill.
He was admitted to the hospital, his blood was tested and the hematologist found an “irregular blood smear.” The patient was diagnosed with “an aggressive form of leukemia.” One of the parents says they were told that “this type of leukemia is mostly found in children after being sick for a bit as well as those treated for other cancers. He does not fit either criteria.”
Read CDC Covid-19 vaccine info here.
He was transferred to another hospital for treatment and admitting doctors asked if he wanted to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
One of the parents informed the doctors that their son had already been vaccinated within the past eight weeks or so. The parents asked if the illness could be related to the vaccine. A doctor remarked that all adverse events are reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
For several weeks, the patient remained in the hospital for tests including “scans, blood draws, transfusions, and the start of aggressive chemotherapy.”
After three weeks, the patient was released to home care.
He was then readmitted for issues with his liver. Chemotherapy was stopped to allow his liver to heal.
“Is there a connection [to the Covid-19 vaccine]? We do not know,” says one of the patient’s parent. “However, something changed the structure of his cells.”
Previous entry: A Covid-19 vaccine paralysis story
Note: Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) (autoimmune paralysis) is a recognized side effect from some vaccines, including Johnson and Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, according to recent warnings issued by FDA. There have been reports of GBS after other Covid-19 vaccines, but FDA has said it does not yet see a link and the illnesses could be just coincidental. Public health officials say the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines outweigh the risks among the eligible population.
Even with significant numbers of vaccinated people ending up infected, hospitalized and even dead from Covid-19, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says vaccination is still the best way to be protected.
Officials say even though vaccinated individuals can catch and spread Covid-19, it is hoped that they do not get as ill as they might have without vaccination.
Read CDC Q-and-A on Covid-19 vaccines here
CDC and many other public health officials have consistently omitted facts and discussion about immunity among the 120 million+ Americans who have battled and survived Covid-19 infections, or who were infected without developing any symptoms. A building body of data indicates most of them have better protection against Covid, including the variants (so far), than those who are vaccinated.
Read FDA info on Guillain Barre Syndrome autoimmune paralysis after Covid-19 vaccine here
This doesn’t mean it’s impossible for previously-infected people to become infected again; but scientists say (so far) such instances are considered rare, and recurring cases are generally mild if not invisible.
Additionally, health officials and news reports often present Covid-19 reporting in a one-sided, fact-starved fashion, without accurately representing the views of scientists and scientific studies that are countervailing to the government’s narrative.
Read summary of Covid-19 vaccine concerns here
As patients speak with their physicians and measure the risk of known vaccine adverse events, so far, in their demographic group, it helps to know of some patient experiences that are not well-represented by public health officials or in the media. Some of them will be highlighted on this website.
Please note: adverse events after vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused or triggered the medical issue(s). Longterm impact of Covid-19 vaccines are unknown since they have not been on the market long enough to know.
Read analysis of Covid-19 adverse events here
Previous entry: Paralyzed after Moderna shots
An 86-year old man received two Moderna shots; the second one in March. The following is information as provided by a relative.
According to the family member, prior to vaccination, the man “swam almost everyday. Gardened, chopped wood, had just bought a fishing boat. He is 86 years old, but is very strong, active and alert. He used to still go to work a couple days a week.”
“A few days after his second shot he had trouble walking, and with numbness in his hands and legs. He went to the ER and they were afraid he was having a stroke.”
He tested negative for the kinds of indicators for strokes, had a scan done, and was sent home.
“A couple days later he collapsed in his garden and couldn’t get up and crawled to the house. Back to the hospital. This time he was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Not good. The doc and neurologist said it was caused by the shot. He got quite a wakeup call, because the doc basically said: ‘It might go away and it might get real bad and could kill you.’ (It affects the limbs first, but it can spread to the chest and interfere with your breathing, put you on a respirator, even kill you). We already knew that could happen – because our next door neighbor years ago died from Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), which she contracted from a flu shot.”
He was hospitalized for a week and treated for GBS “a daily drip of Immunoglobulin.” He returned home and had a visiting therapist.
After a week, he had “a big relapse…he even fell a couple times and broke 5 ribs…and he was back in the hospital. This time he got steroid treatments. This time we took him to a therapeutic hospital for recovery afterwards.”
According to the family member: “GBS causes pain in your extremities as it heals, so he has been deprived of a lot of sleep. Between the ribs, and the GBS pains, the ‘wounds’ in his midsection from steroid injections and the various sleeping and pain meds the docs have put him on (none of which agreed with him), he lost his muscle tone and around 26 pounds.”
Months later, he has progressed from a wheelchair to walker to a cane and “can now walk pretty much normally – but he is quite a different person.”
The man is reported to be “still on the mend. He may always be on the mend. It always seems that ‘old’ people go from fit and bouncy to ‘elderly’ because of some medical event. And this was his. He is back in the pool a couple times a week, but he’s not swimming laps.”
A July analysis of adverse events reported to a federal database after Covid-19 vaccine showed the following cases: