Earlier in the debate Amy Klobuchar referenced a Pete Buttigieg tweet on Medicare for All that sounded too silly to be true.
But after some digging through Buttigieg’s tweets, it turns out she wasn’t kidding:
Judd Legum
(@JuddLegum)I kind of thought Klobouchar was embellishing for dramatic effect but that’s exactly what Buttigieg tweeted two years ago https://t.co/kBqqzcPrOj
Amy Klobuchar has got off to a strong start and, like many candidates tonight, focused on one rival in particular: Pete Buttigieg. Here’s how parts of Twitter have been responding:
Alex Seitz-Wald
(@aseitzwald)Amy Klobuchar dumping a Minnesota hot dish right on Pete Buttigieg’s head.
“We have a newcomer in the White House and look where it got us.”
Matthew Yglesias
(@mattyglesias)The purity of Amy Klobuchar’s hatred for Buttigieg is such a thing to behold.
She’s like this close to doing Mayo Pete memes on Tik Tok.
Joan Walsh
(@joanwalsh)Ding ding ding — points here to Klobuchar talking about the Vindmans and also Pete’s dumb remarks on impeachment.
Liz Plank
(@feministabulous)Okay @amyklobuchar is killing it tonight. #DemDebates
After a tense standoff after last month’s debate in Iowa, in which Elizabeth Warren refused to shake Bernie Sanders’ hand and instead told him “I think you called me a liar on national TV,” they seem to have made amends, and shaken hands at the start of this evening’s event:

Joe Biden has been stepping up his attacks on Bernie Sanders this week. Speaking in New Hampshire on Wednesday, he went after Sanders’ self-proclaimed socialism, claiming that it makes him a weak candidate against Trump.
ABC News
(@ABC)In New Hampshire, Joe Biden criticizes Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “socialist” label: “If Senator Sanders is the nominee for the party, every Democrat…will have to carry the label.” https://t.co/HnCERhLRFW pic.twitter.com/8LARIJC9uw
But Sanders seemed prepared for the attack, highlighting how much Trump benefitted from “socialism for the rich” in his past career, via tax credits for property developers:
Ryan Nobles
(@ryanobles)I also asked @BernieSanders to respond to @JoeBiden’s critique that should he be the nominee @realDonaldTrump will attempt to hammer him as a socialist. Sanders told me his prepared for that attack. pic.twitter.com/ekFrfb7tZY