HomeUncategorized(NEW) Attkisson case over govt. computer intrusions moves forward

(NEW) Attkisson case over govt. computer intrusions moves forward

The following is a news analysis.

Almost eight years to the day after the intrusions into my CBS and personal computers was publicly revealed, a judge is moving forward my lawsuit.

Back in 2012, when intel sources first alerted me to the government’s spying on me while I was a correspondent at CBS News, before we had the extensive forensic proof, it sounded far-fetched.

Read case background here.

Today, with proof in hand and all the revelations that have come out in recent years, it obviously rings true to many.

We have irrefutable forensics from numerous independent examinations; as well as an admission from a former federal agent who admits to the spying; and sworn testimony from a former FBI unit chief and lawyer, and a former NSA forensic specialist.

Even with forensics and admissions in hand, we’ve learned the Dept. of Justice can stall, delay, and run up legal bills to keep the case from getting in front of a jury.

To get to a jury, one must be able to name specific federal agents responsible. If top officials are named, it turns out they are generally granted immunity under the law.

To get the names of other federal agents who do not have immunity, discovery is required. But the intel agencies have refused to turn over a single piece of paper in response to our subpoenas in all the years.

Now, a federal judge in Maryland is moving our case forward and we finally– hopefully– get a real shot at discovery. We’ll see where it goes.


To support my independent reporting and fight government overreach in Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI, visit here: https://www.gofundme.com/sharyl-attkisson-4th-am-litigation

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