The vast majority of people say that after the Capitol Police shooting of unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riots, the Capitol Police should wear body cameras and be subject to Freedom of Information law.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at
Of the slightly-under-900 respondents, 88% said the Capitol Police needed to enact those changes.
Almost nobody, fewer than one percent (1%) said the changes do not need to be made.
Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!
After Ashli Babbitt’s shooting by a Capitol Police lieutenant, the Capitol Police should:
10% Be made subject to Freedom of Info law
1% Wear body cameras
88% Both
<1% Neither
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