HomeStrategyPoliticsWATCH: Tucker Carlson roasts 'creepy porn lawyer' Michael Avenatti one last time

WATCH: Tucker Carlson roasts ‘creepy porn lawyer’ Michael Avenatti one last time

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Tucker Carlson gave “creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti a farewell send-off on Thursday night. This after the disgraced Avenatti was sentenced on Monday to 30 months in prison for attempting to extort footwear giant Nike to the tune of possibly as much as $25 million.

“You ever notice how heroes just emerge?” Carlson asked viewers. “They’re not so much born, they just appear, out of nowhere. And that happened a few years ago in this country. That hero went by many names. We called him ‘the creepy porn lawyer,’ because he was.”

“But over at CNN,” Carlson said, “they called him something different. They called him ‘future president.'”

He played clips of CNN pundits gushing over Avenatti, along with those in late-night tv, and on MSNBC. Avenatti had been in the public light as a lawyer for representing porn star Stormy Daniels in her failed lawsuit against former President Donald Trump. Ironically, Daniels herself is now also claiming that Avenatti defrauded her, and has also had charges brought against him.

Of the fawning praised heaped on Avenatti by mainstream media outlets, Carlson said “Those weren’t cable news clips, that was an IQ test, and everybody on that tape failed, miserably, do not give them drivers licenses… They fell for it hard.”

“In a single week in March 2018,” Carlson said, “if you can remember that far back, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC News, interviewed the creepy porn lawyer a total of… 147 times!”

Carlson interviewed “the creepy porn lawyer” himself in 2018, and took him to task for profiting off of Daniels, while she worked in a strip club. Avenatti deflected Carslon’s questions.

“Like so many lawyers,” Carlson told Avenatti during the interview, “you are taking advantage of her. And you pose as a feminist hero because you are shameless, and the other channels let you get away with it, but you’re an exploiter of a woman and you should be ashamed of it.”

Carlson admitted on Thursday that “it wasn’t the warmest interview ever, and it got even more unpleasant off air.” As to where Avenatti is now, Carlson said “the creepy porn lawyer met the fate so many of us knew was coming to him. He was sentenced to 30 months in prison, in this case for trying to extort the shoe company Nike.

He noted that Avenatti still has two more federal criminal trials pending due to related federal charges, including for defrauding Daniels.

“What does this mean for creepy porn lawyer’s presidential ambitions?” Carlson asked, tongue-in-cheek. “Is he still what America needs?”

“Mr. Avenatti’s conduct was outrageous,” said Judge Paul Gardgephe said in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, where he also sentenced Avenatti to three years of supervised release.

“He hijacked his client’s claims, and he used him to further his own agenda, which was to extort Nike millions of dollars for himself.”

“He outright betrayed his client. Mr. Avenatti had become drunk on the power of his platform, or what he perceived the power of his platform to be.”

Judge Paul Gardgephe did further add, however, that “Mr Avenatti has expressed what I believe to be severe remorse today,” stating that, because of such, Avenatti’s sentence is less than what federal authorities had recommended.

“I alone have destroyed my career, my relationships and my life. And there is no doubt I need to pay,” stated a contrite Avanetti before the judge. “I am truly sorry for all of the pain I caused to Mr. Franklin and others.” Gary Franklin is a basketball coach whom Avenatti coerced into letting himself be represented by Avenatti in furtherance of his scheme to extort Nike.

Avenatti in 2019 sent a series of threatening letters to Nike’s legal team, threatening to “take 10 billion dollars off your client’s market capitalization”, using profanity and saying he was “not continuing to play games.”

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