HomeUncategorized(FORUM) Has race-focused activism and news made you more race-conscious?

(FORUM) Has race-focused activism and news made you more race-conscious?

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When it comes to the goal of erasing racism, there are differences among people as to what that means and how it’s achieved.

Many, including Martin Luther King, Junior, thought the key was in behaving in a color blind fashion: not judging others by skin color and, preferably, not taking it into consideration when assessing a person.

These days, there are activists who are pushing for a reversal of such thought. They claim people are nothing more than the sum total of their race, and can never change. Some even make racist claims to advance what they say is an anti-racist agenda: that say all white people have certain negative characteristics when it comes to behavior, thought and morality, based simply on their skin color. They also claim all black people share a victimhood status because of nothing more than the color of their skin.

As the media and some corporations have been convinced to take a role in this activism, it has put an increasing focus and awareness on race where there used to be little to none.

Have these trends made you think more about race and racial issues than you used to?

Is that a positive thing for the cause? Or is it a negative development? Has it brought people together or divided them?

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