HomeStrategyPoliticsBiden's approval rating drops due to economic concerns

Biden’s approval rating drops due to economic concerns

Americans are losing faith in US President Joe Biden, according to a new polling out this week, which shows a decline in approval ratings even among Democrats. The poll found that less than half of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy.

Among voting adults, only 35 percent of Americans believe the economy is moving in the right direction, and 44 percent say that they are “very concerned” prices will continue to increase.

A national opinion poll from Reuters, with survey results from June 11-17, shows that while 55 percent of adults approve of Biden’s work thus far, with the president getting special attention for his handling of the pandemic, a growing number of Democrats disagree with Biden’s handling of the economy.

The latest approval index from Rasmussen, on June 25, shows Biden’s overall approval rating is down 8 percent, for a disapproval of 47 percent. This includes 39 percent who strongly disapprove of the President’s efforts since he took office in January.

Gun violence and taxes are also areas in which Democrats registered disapproval, with an 11 percent drop in confidence from those who are under 40, and an 8 percent drop among those who do not identify as white, and did not go to college.

A big issue for Biden is that healthcare and disease is no longer the top concern for Americans. The economy has taken the top spot, with the number of Americans who disapprove of Biden’s economic record rising to 43 percent.

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