HomeUncategorized(READ) Federal court: CDC cannot mandate vaccine passports for Florida cruise ship...

(READ) Federal court: CDC cannot mandate vaccine passports for Florida cruise ship employees

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently won a preliminary injunction against the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for mandating “vaccine passports” for the cruise ship industry. That’s according to Associated Press (AP).

The CDC stopped cruise ships from sailing in March 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

On October 30 of last year, the CDC reportedly issued a four-phase conditional framework to allow cruise ships to set sail. The framework is said to include mandated Covid-19 vaccines for all passengers and employees.

Governor DeSantis argued the framework imposed onerous bureaucratic requirements on the industry.

The court reportedly agreed that CDC’s conditional sailing order exceeded the CDC’s authority.

The court’s decision means CDC cannot enforce the framework for Florida-based ships; they would merely be considered non-binding recommendations or guidelines, according to AP.

Today’s ruling is a victory for the hardworking Floridians whose livelihoods depend on the cruise industry. The federal government does not, nor should it ever, have the authority to single out and lockdown an entire industry indefinitely. I am excited to see the cruise industry get sailing again, and proud to stand with Governor Ron DeSantis against illegal federal overreach and draconian lockdown measures.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody

Click on the link below to read the APNews.com story:


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